
潘志亮 正高级 (zpan@guet.edu.cn)    




潘志亮,博士,教授,硕士生导师。2012年博士毕业于美国北卡罗莱纳大学夏洛特分校机械工程专业。2012-2019年间分别在美国康奈尔大学,加州大学欧文分校,佛蒙特大学从事纳米结构材料多尺度模拟研究工作。2019年12月作为海外高层次急需紧缺人才全职引进乐动网页版。擅长利用先进的多尺度模拟计算技术(如第一性原理计算,分子动力学,有限元模拟等)研究纳米结构材料的力学行为与变形失效破坏机制,提出并实现可以提高材料性能的策略与技术路线。在利用界面结构调控改进纳米结构材料的力学性能方面做出了突出的成果。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目一项,广西自然科学基金重点项目一项。至今已发表SCI论文近40篇,包括国际顶级期刊17篇,《自然》子刊4篇,谷歌学术引用一千多次。目前担任自然子刊《Nature Communications》,一区顶级期刊《Acta Materialia》、《Advanced Materials》等20余本国际著名知名期刊审稿人,并获得SCI一区顶级期刊,金属研究类顶级期刊《Acta Materialia》杰出审稿人奖和《Computational Materials Science》杰出审稿人奖。



美国北卡罗莱纳大学夏洛特分校       博士,机械工程                        2012. 05 
西北工业大学                                 硕士,固体力学                        2006. 04
西北工业大学                                 学士,飞行器设计与工程           2003. 07
教授             乐动网页版                             2019. 12 – 
博士后           佛蒙特大学                                   2016. 10 – 2019.10
博士后           加州大学欧文分校                             2013. 09 – 2016. 09
博士后           康奈尔大学                                   2012. 06 – 2013. 06
研究助理         北卡罗莱纳大学夏洛特分校                     2007. 01 – 2012. 05
软件工程师       华为技术有限公司                             2006. 07 – 2006. 12

杰出审稿人   Acta Materialia(SCI一区顶级期刊)                              2018
杰出审稿人   Computational Materials Science                               2018


Nature Communications (自然子刊,IF = 14.919)     

Advanced Materials (一区顶级期刊,IF = 32.086)
Acta Materialia (一区顶级期刊,IF = 8.203)

Physical Review Letters (一区顶级期刊,IF = 9.185) 
Nanoscale (一区顶级期刊,IF = 7.190)
International Journal of Plasticity (一区顶级期刊,IF = 5.668)
Scripta Materialia (IF = 5.079)     
Journal of Alloys and Compounds (IF = 4.650)
Computational Materials Science (IF = 2.489)     
Journal of Materials Science (IF = 3.011)
Materials Science and Engineering A (IF = 3.530)    
Mechanics of Materials (IF = 2.769)
Nanotechnology (IF = 3.414)     
Materials and Design (IF = 4.886)     
Advanced Engineering Materials (IF = 3.500) 
Philosophical Magazine (IF = 1.778)     
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter (IF = 2.711)
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A (IF = 1.915)
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering (IF = 1.837)


  1. Oral Presentation on "Segregation-mediated Strengthening Mechanisms in Nanotwinned Metals," 18th International Conference on the Strength of Materials, Columbus, Ohio, USA, July 15-19, 2018
  2. Poster presentation on "Atomistic Simulations of Wear-Driven Structural Evolution in Nanocrystalline Materials," Gordon Research Conference on Structural Nanomaterials, Hong Kong, China, July 10-15, 2016
  3. Oral Presentation on " Atomistic Modeling of Grain Boundary Complexions: Toughening Effects and Interface Thermodynamics," TMS 2015 144th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Orlando, FL, March 15-19, 2015.
  4. Oral Presentation on "Damage Nucleation from Grain Boundary–Dislocation Interactions: Mechanisms and Toughening Strategies," Materials Science & Technology 2014 Conference & Exhibition, Pittsburgh, PA, October 12-16, 2014.
  5. Oral Presentation on "The nature behind the preferentially embrittling effect of impurities on the ductility of tungsten," 22nd International Workshop on Computational Mechanics of Materials, Baltimore, MD, September 24-26, 2012.
  6. Oral Presentation on "High-strain rate behavior of nanostructured niobium processed by severe plastic deformation to very large strains," 2010 MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, November 29-December 3, 2010.
  7. Oral Presentation on "High-strain rate behavior of nanocrystalline tantalum processed by high pressure torsion," 2009 MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, November 30-December 4, 2009.
  8. Oral Presentation on "Quasi-static and dynamic mechanical properties of commercial-purity tungsten processed by ECAE below the tungsten recrystallization temperature," TMS2008, New Orleans, Louisiana, March 9-13, 2008.
  9. Oral Presentation on "Tensile behavior of nanocrystalline tantalum using molecular dynamics simulation," 2007 MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, November 26-30, 2007.


大一专业课     《工程制图I》

大二专业课     《半导体物理与材料》 

研究生课程     《材料科学与检测新技术》

博士生课程     《高等工程力学》

顶级期刊 17篇,《自然》子刊4篇

谷歌学术: 1256 Citations (h-index = 19, i10-index = 25)

  1. Qi Zhu, Zhiliang Pan, Zhiyu Zhao, Guang Cao, Langli Luo, Chaolun Ni, Hua Wei, Ze Zhang, Frederic Sansoz, and Jiangwei Wang, "Defect-driven selective metal oxidation at atomic scale", Nature Communications, vol 12, pp 558, January 2021  (共同一作,中科院1区TOP,IF = 14.919)
  2. Xing Ke, Jianchao Ye, Zhiliang Pan, Jie Geng, Matt F. Besser, Fang Liu, Dongxia Qu, Jaime Marian, Enrique Martinez, Alfredo Caro, Ryan T. Ott, Frederic Sansoz, and Y. Morris Wang, "Exploring the strength limit of interface-controlled metallic nanomaterials," Nature Materials, vol 18, pp. 1207-1214, November 2019 (中科院1区TOP,IF = 39.286)
  3. Amirhossein Khalajhedayati, Zhiliang Pan, and Timothy J. Rupert, "Manipulating the interfacial structure of nanomaterials to achieve a unique combination of strength and ductility," Nature Communications, vol 7, pp. 10802, Feb 2016 (中科院1区TOP,IF = 14.919)
  4. Lin Jiang, Mingyu Gong, Jian Wang, Zhiliang Pan, Xin Wang, Dalong Zhang, Yinmin Wang, Timothy Rupert, Irene J. Beyerlein, Jim Ciston, Andrew M. Minor, Mingjie Xu, Xiaoqing Pan, Subhash Mahajan, Enrique J. Lavernia, Julie M. Schoenung, "Visualization and Validation of Twin Nucleation and Early-stage Growth in Magnesium," Nature Communications, vol 13(1), pp 20, January 2022. (中科院1区TOP,IF = 14.919)
  5. Pulkit Garg, Zhiliang Pan, Vladyslav Turlo, and Timothy J. Rupert. "Segregation Competition and Complexion Coexistence within a Polycrystalline Grain Boundary Network." Acta Materialia vol 218 pp. 117213, October 2021 (共同一作,中科院1区TOP, IF = 8.203)
  6. Yan Cheng, Kun Wei, Zhaozhe Yu, Dianyuan Fan, Dong Liang Yan, Zhiliang Pan, and Bingbing Tian. "Ternary Si–Sio–Al Composite Films as High-Performance Anodes for Lithium-Ion Batteries." ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces vol 13, pp. 34447-56,  July 2021 (共同通讯,中科院1区TOP, IF = 8.758)
  7. Zhiliang Pan and Frederic Sansoz, "Heterogeneous solute segregation suppresses strain localization in nanocrystalline Ag-Ni alloys," Acta Materialia, vol. 200, pp. 91-100, November 2020. (中科院1区TOP, IF = 8.203)
  8. Zhiliang Pan and Timothy J. Rupert, "Amorphous intergranular films as toughening structural features," Acta Materialia, vol 89, pp. 205-214, May 2015 (中科院1区TOP, IF = 8.203)
  9. Zhiliang Pan, Weihua Yin, Suveen N. Mathaudhu, Laszlo J. Kecskes, K. T. Hartwig, and Q. Wei, "Microstructural Evolution and Mechanical Properties of Niobium Processed by Equal Channel Angular Extrusion up to 24 Passes," Acta Materialia, vol. 60, pp. 2310-2323, March 2012 (中科院1区TOP, IF = 8.203)
  10. Zhiliang Pan, Yulong Li, and Q. Wei, "Tensile properties of nanocrystalline tantalum from molecular dynamics simulations," Acta Materialia, vol. 56, pp. 3470-3480, August 2008 (中科院1区TOP, IF = 8.203)
  11. Zhiliang Pan and Timothy J. Rupert, "Effect of grain boundary character on segregation-induced structural transitions," Physical Review B, vol 93, pp. 134113, April 2016 (中科院2区TOP, IF = 3.795)
  12. Zhiliang Pan and Timothy J. Rupert, "Formation of ordered and disordered interfacial films in immiscible metal alloys", Scripta Materialia, vol 130, pp. 91-95, March 2017 (中科院2区TOP, IF =4.150)
  13. Zhiliang Pan, Yazhou Guo, S. N. Mathaudhu, Laszlo J. Kecskes, K. T. Hartwig, and Q. Wei, "Quasi-static and dynamic mechanical properties of commercial-purity tungsten processed by ECAE at low temperatures," Journal of Materials Science, vol. 43, pp. 7379-7384, December 2008 (中科院2区TOP, IF =3.011)
  14. Zhiliang Pan and Timothy J. Rupert, "Spatial variation of short-range order in amorphous intergranular complexions," Computational Materials Science, vol 131, pp. 62-68, April 2017 (中科院3区, IF = 2.489)
  15. Zhiliang Pan, Laszlo J. Kecskes, and Qiuming Wei, "The nature behind the preferentially embrittling effect of impurities on the ductility of tungsten," Computational Materials Science, vol. 93, pp. 104-111, October 2014 (中科院3区, IF = 2.489)
  16. Zhiliang Pan and Timothy J. Rupert, "Damage nucleation from repeated dislocation absorption at a grain boundary," Computational Materials Science, vol. 93, pp. 206-209, October 2014 (中科院3区, IF = 2.489)
  17. Zhiliang Pan, Valery Borovikoy, Mikhail Mendelev, and Frederic Sansoz, "Development of a semi-empirical potential for simulation of Ni solutes segregation into grain boundaries in Ag," Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, vol 26, pp 075004, September 2018 (Featured on the journal cover) (中科院3区, IF =1.837)
  18. Zhiliang Pan and Timothy J. Rupert, "Mechanisms of near-surface structural evolution in nanocrystalline materials during sliding contact," Physical Review Materials, vol 1, pp 043602, September 2017. (中科院3区, IF =2.926)
  19. Q. Wei, Zhiliang Pan, Xiaolei Wu, B. E. Schuster, Laszlo J. Kecskes, and R. Z. Valiev, "Microstructure and mechanical properties at different length scales and strain rates of nanocrystalline tantalum produced by high-pressure torsion," Acta Materialia, vol. 59, pp. 2423-2436, April 2011 (中科院1区TOP, IF = 8.203)
  20. Silu Liu, Zhiliang Pan, Yonghao Zhao, Troy Topping, Ruslan Z. Valiev, Xiaozhou Liao, Enrique J. Lavernia, Yuantian Zhu, and Qiuming Wei, "Effect of strain rate on the mechanical properties of a gum metal with various microstructures," Acta Materialia, vol 132, pp. 193-208, June 2017 (中科院1区TOP, IF = 8.203)
  21. Jason Panzarino, Zhiliang Pan, Timothy J. Rupert, "Plasticity-induced restructuring of a nanocrystalline grain boundary network, "Acta Materialia, vol 120, pp. 1, Nov 2016 (中科院1区TOP, IF = 8.203)
  22. K.W.K. Leung, Zhiliang Pan, and D.H. Warner, "Atomistic-based predictions of crack tip behavior in silicon carbide across a range of temperatures and strain rates," Acta Materialia, vol. 77, pp. 324-334, September 2014 (中科院1区TOP, IF = 8.203) 
  23. KWK Leung, Zhiliang Pan, and DH Warner, "Kohn-Sham density functional theory prediction of fracture in silicon carbide under mixed mode loading," Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, vol 24, pp. 035004, Feb 2016 (中科院3区, IF =1.837)
  24. Zaiwang Huang, Zhiliang Pan, Haoze Li, Qiuming Wei, and Xiaodong Li, "Hidden energy dissipation mechanism in nacre," Journal of Materials Research, vol. 29, pp. 1573-1578, July 2014 (中科院4区, IF =1.717)
  25. Silu Liu, Yazhou Guo, Zhiliang Pan, X.Z. Liao, E.J. Lavernia, Y.T. Zhu, Q.M. Wei, Yonghao Zhao, "Microstructural softening induced adiabatic shear banding in Ti-23Nb-0.7Ta-2Zr-O gum metal," Journal of Materials Science & Technology, vol 54, pp. 31-39, October 2020 (中科院1区TOP, IF = 6.155)
  26. Jialin Liu, Zaiwang Huang, Zhiliang Pan, Qiuming Wei, Xiaodong Li, Yue Qi, "Atomistic origin of deformation twinning in biomineral aragonite," Physical Review Letters, vol 118, pp. 105501, March 2017 (中科院1区TOP, IF = 8.843)
  27. W.H. Yin, F. Xu, O. Ertorer, Zhiliang Pan, X.Y. Zhang, L.J. Kecskes, E.J. Lavernia, and Q. Wei, "Mechanical behavior of microstructure engineered multi-length-scale titanium over a wide range of strain rates," Acta Materialia, vol. 61, pp. 3781-3798, June 2013 (中科院1区TOP, IF = 8.203)
  28. Y.Z. Guo, N.A. Behm, J.P. Ligda, Y.L. Li, Zhiliang Pan, Z. Horita, and Q. Wei, "Critical issues related to instrumented indentation on non-uniform materials: Application to niobium subjected to high pressure torsion," Materials Science and Engineering: A, vol. 586, pp. 149-159, December 2013 (中科院2区TOP, IF = 3.530) 
  29. B.E. Schuster, J.P. Ligda, Zhiliang Pan, and Q. Wei, "Nanocrystalline refractory metals for extreme condition applications," JOM, vol. 63, pp. 27-31, December 2011 (中科院3区, IF = 2.103)
  30. Zaiwang Huang, Haoze Li, Zhiliang Pan, Qiuming Wei, and Xiaodong Li, "Uncovering high-strain rate protection mechanism in nacre," Scientific Reports, 1, 148, November 2011 (中科院3区, IF = 4.131)
  31. Guo Yazhou, Yulong Li, Zhiliang Pan, Fenghua Zhou, and Q. Wei, "A numerical study of microstructure effect on adiabatic shear instability: Application to nanostructured/ultrafine grained materials," Mechanics of Materials, vol. 42, pp. 1020-1029, November 2010 (中科院3区, IF = 2.769)
  1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,纳米孪晶材料延展性本质及其失效破坏机理研究,项目经费61万,2022.01 – 2025.12,批准号 12172096,主持
  2. 广西自然科学基金重点项目,纳米结构金属失效破坏机制研究,项目经费30万,2022.4 – 2026.4,项目编号 2022GXNSFDA035084,主持