
韩国成 正高级 (hangc81@guet.edu.cn)    




        韩国成,男,1981年生,博士,教授,博士生导师。2004年毕业于武汉工程大学,同年进入桂林理工大学攻读硕士学位,2007年毕业进入中南大学化学化工学院攻读博士学位,2009年9月到2010年9月作为国家公派联合培养博士生在加拿大西安大略大学化学系Heinz-Bernhard Kraatz 研究小组里学习一年,主要从事生物分子检测工作。2011年6月获得应用化学博士学位,同年7月进入乐动网页版生命与环境科学学院从事教学和科研工作。2012年12月晋升副教授,2017年12月晋升教授,2018年入选广西高等学校千名中青年骨干教师培育计划人选。

       近几年来,主要从事生物医学工程、电化学生物传感器和电分析化学的研究工作。主持国家自然科学基金-地区科学基金项目一项“用于C-反应蛋白检测的电化学生物传感器研究(61661014,已结题)”,主持国家自然科学基金-青年科学基金项目一项“用于糖化血红蛋白检测的新型电化学生物传感器研究(61301038,已结题)”,主持广西区自然科学基金-面上项目一项“抗坏血酸、多巴胺、尿酸和色氨酸电化学同步检测研究(2018GXNSFAA281198)”和青年科学基金项目一项“巯基化合物的快速定量检测研究 (2015GXNSFBA139041,已结题) ”。在电化学生物传感器、电分析化学性质研究及生物体内功能分子的检测方面取得了一些的成绩,部分研究成果已经发表在国内外的知名刊物上,如 Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Journal of Cleaner Production, Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology, Analytica Chimica Acta, International Journal of Nanomedicine, Sensors, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, Applied Surface Science, Journal of Cluster Science, Thin Solid Films, Luminescence等。共发表SCI论文60篇,其中通讯作者或第一作者论文50篇,全部论文SCI他引600余次。


(1)  基于信号放大技术的生物分子电化学检测  

        成功运用纳米材料的信号放大技术实现了血红蛋白、β-淀粉样蛋白、C反应蛋白、凝血酶的电化学方法检测。对活化后的丝网印刷电极通过恒电位沉积的方法将纳米金修饰在电极表面,并将电活性物质滴加在电极表面,最后将血红蛋白固定在传感器上,利用差分脉冲伏安法实现对血红蛋白的检测。研究成果发表在国际top期刊 “Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2019, 282: 130-136”(2019 IF=6.393),题目为“Disposable electrochemical sensors for hemoglobin detection based on ferrocenoyl cysteine conjugates modified electrode”所取得的结果进一步完善电化学传感器的理论和技术,丰富了血红蛋白的检测方法。基于抑制肽引发的银纳米颗粒原位组装方法,开发了一种高灵敏和选择性电化学生物传感器用于β-淀粉样寡聚物的检测。具体来说,固定在电极表面并呈现在溶液中的肽一起触发AgNP聚集体的原位形成,产生明显的电化学信号,然而,Aβ寡聚物与固定化肽的特异性结合阻止了AgNPs的原位组装导致电化学信号的明显减弱,从而实现Aβ寡聚物的检测,研究结果发表在“International Journal of Nanomedicine, 2017, 12: 3171-3179”上,论文题目为:A sensitive and selective electrochemical biosensor for the determination of beta-amyloid oligomer by inhibiting the peptide-triggered in situ assembly of silver nanoparticles。通过自组装的方法依次将L-半胱氨酸、戊二醛、Anti-CRP固定在裸金电极的表面,制备成电化学免疫传感器,利用交流阻抗技术检测Ab-CRP,研究成果发表在Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2014, 161 (5): B75-B80上,题目为:Towards Label-Free Impedance Biosensors: CRP Probe Based on Thiol Schiff-Nickel Complex Modified Gold Nanoparticles。将小分子多肽SGFPRGRYC 偶联在二茂铁上,形成Fc-SGFPRGRYC,并通过Au-S键固定在裸金电极上,在凝血酶的作用下,对小分子多肽进行切割,形成Fc-SGFPR和GRYC片段,在这个过程中会伴随着电化学信号的改变,通过电化学-化学-化学氧化还原循环法实现电化学信号的放大,从而提高蛋白酶检测的灵敏度,该研究结果发表在International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 2016, 11: 8646-8653上,题目为:Electrochemical Determination of Protease with Improving Sensitivity by Electrochemical-chemical-chemical Redox Cycling。

        成功运用小分子电活性物质的信号放大技术实现了抗坏血酸、多巴胺、尿酸、葡萄糖、NO2-的电化学方法检测。电化学沉积的方法将电活性物质血红素(heme)直接修饰于玻碳电极(GCE)上,由于heme的信号放大性能,实现三者(抗坏血酸、多巴胺、尿酸)氧化峰信号放大和氧化峰分离,基于此建立一种同时检测抗坏血酸、多巴胺、尿酸的电化学方法。研究结果发表在Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology, 2020, 16(1), 29-39上,题目为:Real-time Electrochemical Detection of Uric Acid, Dopamine and Ascorbic Acid by Heme Directly Modified Carbon Electrode。制备了一种新的3D纸基微流控葡萄糖传感器,rGO-TEPA/PB修饰SPEs,在其纸醛基化亲水区固定葡萄糖氧化酶,实现葡萄糖溶液检测,0.1mM-25mM,检测限为25 μM。研究结果发表在Analytica Chimica Acta, 2020, 1096:34-43(IF=5.256)上,题目为:A novel 3D paper-based microfluidic electrochemical glucose biosensor based on rGO-TEPA/PB sensitive film。采用二茂铁衍生物 (Fc-ECG)修饰丝网印刷电极,采用电化学方法实现对榨菜汁液中NO2-的检测,研究结果发表在"Sensors, 2019, 19, 268"上,论文题目为"A Facile Electrochemical Sensor Labeled by Ferrocenoyl Cysteine Conjugate for the Detection of Nitrite in Pickle Juice"。并对G-四链体-血红素 DNA酶检测的电化学传感器近期相关研究工作进行了综述,发表在International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 2015, 10:3897-3913上,题目为Hemin/G- quadruplex DNAzyme for Designing of Electrochemical Sensors。以上这些工作为本项目中电化学法检测葡萄糖奠定了比较扎实的基础。

(2)  光谱和色谱法检测小分子化合物  

        荧光光谱法检测低分子量巯基化合物,即将稀土铈作为荧光探针,根据 Ce(III)-RSSR 化合物荧光强度随着巯基化合物的浓度变化而变化,通过荧光光谱法确定低分子量巯基化合物的浓度,该方法简单、快捷、灵敏,该研究工作发表在 Analytica Chimica Acta, 2010,659: 238-242和Luminescence, 2009, 25:389-393上,题目分别为Spectrofluorimetric determination of total free thiols based on formation of complexes of Ce(III) with disulfide bonds和Synthesis, characterization and fluorescent properties of cerium(III) glutathione complex。通过紫外-可见光谱法研究了二茂铁衍生物和血红素、BSA相互作用情况,研究成果发表在Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2016, 36(5): 1585~1591和2018, 38(12):3958-3962上,题目分别为:Interaction Study of Ferrocene Derivatives and Heme by UV-Vis Spectroscopy和Interaction Study of Fc(COOH)2 and BSA by UV-vis Spectroscopy。

(3)  有机及无机合成

        结合广西区域生物材料特色物质剑麻纤维,创造性地研制出具有良好导电性能的铅碳电池负极材料,为生物传感器制备中所需的基底材料奠定了良好的基础。研究成果发表在国际top期刊 Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 197(1):332-338(2018 IF=6.395),题目为“A facile method for preparation of doped-N carbon material based on sisal and application for lead-carbon battery”在二茂铁衍生物的合成、电化学性质和空间构型研究及与金属离子的相互作用方面做的研究工作,结果发表在European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2014, 31:5337-5347上,题目为Synthesis, Characterization of Some Ferrocenoyl Cysteine and Histidine Conjugates, and Their Interactions with Some Metal Ions。采用化学共沉淀法合成磁性纳米粒子,同时用羧甲基化的葡聚糖对纳米粒子进行改性,通过酰胺缩合反应固定生长抑制素类药物奥曲肽。在药物奥曲肽与胰腺癌细胞特异的相互作用下,将磁性纳米粒子带入细胞内,采用透射电镜和磁共振成像技术检测药物的固定效果以及药物和癌细胞的特异性作用,研究结果发表在European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2010, 24: 5455-5461上,题目为Carboxymethyl-Dextran Modified Magnetic Nanoparticle Conjugated to Octreotide for MRI Applications。



2009/09-2010/09, 加拿大西安大略大学 (Western University), 化学系,博士





2017/12-至今, 乐动网页版, 生命与环境科学学院, 教授

2012.12-2017.11, 乐动网页版, 生命与环境科学学院, 副教授

2011/07-2012/10,乐动网页版, 生命与环境科学学院, 讲师


指导本科生参加2018-2013年广西高校化学化工类论文及设计竞赛,获一等奖1项,二等奖3项,三等奖1项。2015年和2017年,获乐动网页版本科课堂教学质量优秀奖二等奖2项,2017年获校级教学成果奖三等奖2项。 2018获得乐动网页版优秀党员荣誉称号。2021获广西自然科学奖二等奖1项。2022获中国自动化学会自然科学奖二等奖1项。








[63] Z. F. Zhou, X. Z. Feng, T. Zhan, G. C. Han, Z. C. Chen, H. B. Kraatz, Facile bimetallic co-amplified electrochemical sensor for folic acid sensing based on CoNPs and CuNPs, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 414(2022) 6791-6800.

[62] T. Zhan, X. Z. Feng, Y. Y. Cheng, G. C. Han, Z. C. Chen, H. B. Kraatz, Synergistic Electrochemical Amplification of Ferrocene Carboxylic Acid Nanoflowers and Cu Nanoparticles for Folic Acid Sensing, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 169(2022).

[61] T. Zhan, X. Z. Feng, Q. Q. An, S. Y. Li, M. Y. Xue, Z. C. Chen, et al., Enzyme-free glucose sensors with efficient synergistic electro-catalysis based on a ferrocene derivative and two metal nanoparticles, Rsc Advances, 12(2022) 5072-5079.

[60] R. Z. Wei, Z. Liu, W. C. Wei, S. Wang, Y. J. Lv, G. C. Han, Anticorrosion performance of hydrophobic acid-modified-MOFs/epoxy coatings, Colloid and Interface Science Communications, 46(2022).

[59] S. Wang, R. Q. Huang, W. Li, Y. J. Lv, G. C. Han, R. Z. Wei, et al., Synthesis, structure and properties of two complexes based on N and S heterocyclic dicarboxylic acid ligands, Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, (2022).

[58] D. Sun, R. T. Guo, Y. J. Lv, W. Li, M. J. Lu, Q. M. Wei, et al., Na2MnPO4F/Ti3C2-CQDs composite cathode material with enhanced electrochemical properties for lithium/sodium hybrid ion battery, Diamond and Related Materials, 128(2022).

[57] Q. M. Lin, X. Z. Feng, F. L. Chen, K. H. Song, G. C. Han, Z. C. Chen, et al., A Novel Electrochemical Strategy for Chloramphenicol Detection in a Water Environment Based on Silver Nanoparticles and Thiophene, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 169(2022).

[56] R. T. Guo, W. Li, M. J. Lu, Y. J. Lv, H. T. Ai, D. Sun, et al., Na3V2(PO4)(2)F-3@bagasse carbon as cathode material for lithium/sodium hybrid ion battery, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 24(2022) 5638-5645.

[55] Q. Q. An, X. Z. Feng, Z. F. Zhou, T. Zhan, S. F. Lian, J. M. Zhu, et al., One step construction of an electrochemical sensor for melamine detection in milk towards an integrated portable system, Food Chemistry, 383(2022).

[54] D. Sun, W. Li, R. T. Guo, Q. Q. Liang, Z. Liu, G. C. Han, Preparation of N-doped biomass C@SnO2 composites and its electrochemical performance, Diamond and Related Materials, 120(2021).

[53] J. G. Liu, J. Z. Wan, Q. M. Lin, G. C. Han, X. Z. Feng, Z. C. Chen, Convenient Heme Nanorod Modified Electrode for Quercetin Sensing by Two Common Electrochemical Methods, Micromachines, 12(2021).


[52] Y. Y. Cheng, T. Zhan, X. Z. Feng, G. C. Han, A synergistic effect of gold nanoparticles and melamine with signal amplifification for C-reactive protein sensing, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 895(2021) 115417.

[51] R. Z. Wei, Z. Liu, W. C. Wei, C. X. Liang, G. C. Han, L. Zhan, Synthesis, Crystal Structure and Characterization of Two Cobalt (II) Complexes Based on Pyridine Carboxylic Acid Ligands, Zeitschrift Fur Anorganische Und Allgemeine Chemie, (2021).DOI: 10.1002/zaac.202000418

[50] W. C. Wei, Z. Liu, R. Z. Wei, C. X. Liang, X. Z. Feng, G. C. Han, Synthesis, crystal structure and anticorrosion performance of Zn(II) and Ni(II) complexes, Journal Of Molecular Structure, 1228(2021) 129452.

[49] Z. S. Chen, K. H. He, R. Z. Wei, Y. J. Lv, Z. Liu, G. C. Han, Synthesis of Mn-MOFs loaded zinc phosphate composite for water-based acrylic coatings with durable anticorrosion performance on mild steel, Rsc Advances, 11(2021) 3371-3379.

[48] H. T. Ai, W. Li, Z. Liu, D. Sun, H. Z. Zhou, G. C. Han, A new lithium-ion batteries derivated from waste bagasse: Preparation, characterization and application, Journal Of Alloys And Compounds, 854(2021) 157156.



[47] W. C. Wei, Z. Liu, R. Z. Wei, G. C. Han, C. X. Liang, Synthesis of MOFs/GO composite for corrosion resistance application on carbon steel, Rsc Advances, 10(2020) 29923-29934.

[46] W. C. Wei, Z. Liu, C. X. Liang, G. C. Han, Y. K. Li, Q. W. Li, et al., Corrosion Inhibition Performance of Nitrogen-Containing Metal Organic Framework Compounds on Copper Flakes in Dilute HCl Medium, Protection Of Metals And Physical Chemistry Of Surfaces, 56(2020) 638-650.

[45] W. C. Wei, Z. Liu, C. X. Liang, G. C. Han, J. X. Han, S. F. Zhang, Synthesis, characterization and corrosion inhibition behavior of 2-aminofluorene bis-Schiff bases in circulating cooling water, Rsc Advances, 10(2020) 17816-17828.

[44] G. C. Han, H. F. Li, A. Ferranco, T. Zhan, Y. Y. Cheng, Z. C. Chen, et al., The construction of a simple sensor for the simultaneous detection of nitrite and thiosulfate by heme catalysis, Rsc Advances, 10(2020) 35007-35016.

[43] X. Z. Feng, X. R. Su, A. Ferranco, Z. C. Chen, G. C. Han, Z. L. Jiang, et al., Real-Time Electrochemical Detection of Uric Acid, Dopamine and Ascorbic Acid by Heme Directly Modified Carbon Electrode, Journal Of Biomedical Nanotechnology, 16(2020) 29-39.

[42] X. Z. Feng, H. F. Li, A. Ferranco, Z. C. Chen, M. Y. Xue, G. C. Han, et al., A Very Simple Method for Detection of Bisphenol A in Environmental Water by Heme Signal Amplification, Journal Of the Electrochemical Society, 167(2020) 067503.

[41] L. L. Cao, G. C. Han, H. L. Xiao, Z. C. Chen, C. Fang, A novel 3D paper-based microfluidic electrochemical glucose biosensor based on rGO-TEPA/PB sensitive film, Analytica Chimica Acta, 1096(2020) 34-43.



[40] Q. Q. Liang, Z. Liu, C. X. Liang, G. C. Han, S. F. Zhang, X. Z. Feng, Electrochemical Simultaneous Detection of Paracetamol and 4-aminophenol Based on bis-Schiff Base Cobalt Complex, International Journal Of Electrochemical Science, 14(2019) 7178-7201.

[39] C. X. Liang, Z. Liu, Q. Q. Liang, G. C. Han, J. X. Han, S. F. Zhang, et al., Synthesis of 2-aminofluorene bis-Schiff base and corrosion inhibition performance for carbon steel in HCl, Journal Of Molecular Liquids, 277(2019) 330-340.

[38] G. C. Han, X. R. Su, J. T. Hou, A. Ferranco, X. Z. Feng, R. S. Zeng, et al., Disposable electrochemical sensors for hemoglobin detection based on ferrocenoyl cysteine conjugates modified electrode, Sensors And Actuators B-Chemical, 282(2019) 130-136.

[37] X. Z. Feng, A. Ferranco, X. R. Su, Z. C. Chen, Z. L. Jiang, G. C. Han, A Facile Electrochemical Sensor Labeled by Ferrocenoyl Cysteine Conjugate for the Detection of Nitrite in Pickle Juice, Sensors, 19(2019) 268.

[36] Z. C. Chen, Y. Bai, F. J. Zhao, L. L. Cao, G. C. Han, S. M. Yin, Disposable Amperometric Immunosensor for Hepatitis B Antigen Detection Based on Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes and Ferrocene Decorated Screen Printed Electrode, Journal Of Biomedical Nanotechnology, 15(2019) 930-938.



[35] L. Zheng, J. X. Han, H. Y. Li, G. C. Han, Z. N. Guo, S. F. Zhang, et al., Synthesis, crystal structure and properties of rare earth metal-organic framework materials based on the 2,5-pyridinedicarboxylic acid ligands, Molecular Crystals And Liquid Crystals, 666(2018) 109-118.

[34] F. J. Zhao, Y. Bai, R. S. Zeng, L. L. Cao, J. M. Zhu, G. C. Han, et al., An Electrochemical Immunosensor with Graphene-Oxide-Ferrocene-based Nanocomposites for Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Detection, Electroanalysis, 30(2018) 2774-2780.

[33] H. Wang, Z. Liu, Q. Q. Liang, H. Y. Zhong, G. C. Han, S. F. Zhang, et al., A facile method for preparation of doped-N carbon material based on sisal and application for lead-carbon battery, Journal Of Cleaner Production, 197(2018) 332-338.

[32] H. Wang, Z. Liu, Q. Q. Liang, G. C. Han, P. Guo, X. Q. Lao, et al., Electrocatalytic Oxidation of L-cysteine by Adamantane Ester Schiff Base Nickel Complexes, International Journal Of Electrochemical Science, 13(2018) 10454-10469.

[31] H. Wang, Z. Liu, H. Y. Li, G. C. Han, L. Yun, H. Y. Zhong, Electrochemical Performance of Lead-Carbon Battery with Chitosan Composite Carbon/Lead Negative Plate, International Journal Of Electrochemical Science, 13(2018) 136-146.

[30] G. C. Han, X. R. Su, J. T. Hou, X. Z. Feng, Z. C. Chen, Interaction Study of Fc(COOH)(2) and BSA by UV-Vis Spectroscopy, Spectroscopy And Spectral Analysis, 38(2018) 3958-3962.



[29] Y. Xing, X. Z. Feng, L. P. Zhang, J. T. Hou, G. C. Han, Z. C. Chen, A sensitive and selective electrochemical biosensor for the determination of beta-amyloid oligomer by inhibiting the peptide-triggered in situ assembly of silver nanoparticles, International Journal Of Nanomedicine, 12(2017) 3171-3179.

[28] H. Y. Li, Z. Liu, H. Wang, G. C. Han, Y. Zhao, S. W. Xie, et al., Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Adsorption Behavior of Schiff base Gemini Surfactants on Zn (110) Surface, International Journal Of Electrochemical Science, 12(2017) 6622-6637.

[27] J. X. Han, Z. Liu, Y. J. Guo, G. C. Han, W. Li, S. Y. Chen, et al., Determination of superoxide anion radical by modified CdTe quantum dots, Journal Of Photochemistry And Photobiology a-Chemistry, 349(2017) 1-6.

[26] G. C. Han, J. T. Hou, Z. L. Huang, X. Z. Feng, Z. C. Chen, W. X. Xiao, et al., Electrochemical Behaviors of Ferrocene Dicarboxylate and its Application for Heme Detection, International Journal Of Electrochemical Science, 12(2017) 6245-6254.



[25] J. Zhang, Z. Liu, G. C. Han, S. L. Chen, Z. C. Chen, Inhibition of copper corrosion by the formation of Schiff base self-assembled monolayers, Applied Surface Science, 389(2016) 601-608.

[24] R. S. Zeng, Z. G. Sun, C. J. Zhou, C. Fang, G. C. Han, Z. C. Chen, Well-resolved oil-soluble Au-doped ZnCdS quantum dots and enhancing doping emission with In-codoping, Journal Of Alloys And Compounds, 671(2016) 66-73.

[23] Z. Liu, Y. Zhao, G. C. Han, J. Liu, Q. Y. He, C. Z. Chen, Preparation of Schiff base surfactant and its application in alkaline zinc-nickel batteries, Ionics, 22(2016) 2391-2397.

[22] M. La, Y. Q. Hao, Z. Y. Wang, G. C. Han, L. B. Qu, Selective and Sensitive Detection of Cyanide Based on the Displacement Strategy Using a Water-Soluble Fluorescent Probe, Journal Of Analytical Methods In Chemistry, 2016(2016) 1462013.

[21] G. C. Han, J. T. Hou, X. Z. Feng, Z. L. Huang, W. Gu, Z. C. Chen, Electrochemical Determination of Protease with Improving Sensitivity by Electrochemical-chemical-chemical Redox Cycling, International Journal Of Electrochemical Science, 11(2016) 8646-8653.

[20] G. C. Han, X. Z. Feng, J. T. Liang, W. X. Xiao, Z. C. Chen, Interaction Study of Ferrocene Derivatives and Heme by UV-Vis Spectroscopy, Spectroscopy And Spectral Analysis, 36(2016) 1585-1591.

[19] Y. J. Guo, Z. Liu, G. C. Han, W. Li, Y. J. Hu, Z. C. Chen, A New Fluorescent Switch for Determination of Pb2+ Based on Modified CdTe Quantum Dots, Journal Of Nanoscience And Nanotechnology, 16(2016) 12172-12178.

[18] X. Z. Feng, G. C. Han, J. H. Qin, S. M. Yin, Z. C. Chen, Determination of Residual Solvents in Linezolid by Static Headspace GC, Journal Of Chromatographic Science, 54(2016) 487-491.



[17] X. Y. Zhao, W. Liu, B. B. Zhou, S. S. Liu, G. C. Han, Electrochemical MicroRNAs Biosensors Based on Enzymatic Signal Amplification, International Journal Of Electrochemical Science, 10(2015) 8910-8925.

[16] S. W. Xie, Z. Liu, G. C. Han, W. Li, J. Liu, Z. C. Chen, Molecular dynamics simulation of inhibition mechanism of 3,5-dibromo salicylaldehyde Schiff's base, Computational And Theoretical Chemistry, 1063(2015) 50-62.

[15] L. Y. Lai, Z. Liu, G. C. Han, Z. C. Chen, Synthesis, Crystal Structure and Properties of Three Metal Complexes Based on a Flexible Schiff Base Ligand, Journal Of Cluster Science, 26(2015) 1845-1855.

[14] L. Y. Lai, Z. Liu, G. C. Han, Crystal structure of {4,4 ',6,6 '-tetrabromido-2,2-[ethane-1,4-diyl(nitrilomethanylylidene)-1-ethylamine-2-methoxyl]diphenolato-kappa O-5,N,N ',N '',O '} zinc(II) - dimethylformamide (2:1), C41H45Br8N7O7Zn2, Zeitschrift Fur Kristallographie-New Crystal Structures, 230(2015) 189-191.

[13] G. C. Han, X. Z. Feng, Z. C. Chen, Hemin/G-quadruplex DNAzyme for Designing of Electrochemical Sensors, International Journal Of Electrochemical Science, 10(2015) 3897-3913.



[12] Z. Liu, W. Li, G. C. Han, S. Yuan, Z. C. Chen, Towards Label-Free Impedance Biosensors: CRP Probe Based on Thiol Schiff-Nickel Complex Modified Gold Nanoparticles, Journal Of the Electrochemical Society, 161(2014) B75-B80.

[11] G. C. Han, A. Ferranco, X. Z. Feng, Z. C. Chen, H. B. Kraatz, Synthesis, Characterization of Some Ferrocenoyl Cysteine and Histidine Conjugates, and Their Interactions with Some Metal Ions, European Journal Of Inorganic Chemistry, 31(2014) 5337-5347.

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1. 发明专利:韩国成,冯小珍,侯嘉婷,陈真诚,周治德。一种基于电化学探针检测还原型谷胱甘肽的方法,专利号:ZL201610764935.6






