
孙立贤 正高级 (sunlx@guet.edu.cn)    




分别于1984年、1987年、1994年在湖南大学分析化学专业获得理学学士、硕士、博士学位(师从俞汝勤院士)。1995.2至1995.4在日本通商产业省工业技术院研究员(获日本科技厅STA fellowship 资助),1995.5至1996.10在德国耶拿大学化学系任德国洪堡基金研究人员,1996.10至2001.8在日本产业技术综合研究所任特别研究员(获AIST fellow资助)/产业技术研究员(获NEDO fellowship 资助),2001.8至2012.11在中国科学院大连化学物理研究所任课题组长/研究员/博士生导师,任辽宁省能源材料热化学重点实验室主任。2012.12至今,乐动网页版教授/博士生导师、前院长,现任广西电子信息材料构效关系重点实验室主任、广西新能源材料结构与性能协同创新中心、广西先进功能材料与器件工程技术中心、广西先进功能材料基础与应用人才小高地主任。入选俄罗斯自然科学院外籍院士、欧洲科学院外籍院士(EURASC)、桂林市第一类高层次人才。

     兼任国际化学热力学协会(IACT)理事与顾问,国际期刊《Journal of Thermal Analysis & Calorimetry》副主编,国际期刊《The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics》编委,国际《Inernational Journal of Electrochemistry Science》编委,国际《Recent Patents on Corrosion Science》编委,中国化学会化学热力学与热分析专业委员会副主任,中国仪表功能材料学会储能与动力电池专业委员会委员,中国物理学会相图专业委员会委员,中国能源学会专家委员会副主任。先后任任国家自然科学基金会评专家,科技部变革性项目评审专家、广西创新驱动综评委专家、广西自然科学基金委常务副主任等。




      出版学术著作《现代催化研究方法》《Classification of Materials, in Adaption of Simulated Annealing to Chemical Optimization Problems》《物理化学学科前沿与展望》等3部;在《Energy & Environmental Science》《Journal of Materials Chemistry A》《Biosensors & Bioelectronics》《Crystal Growth & Design》《Journal of Physical Chemistry C》《Dalton Transactions》《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》等国内外重要学术刊物发表学术论文500余篇(其中SCI、EI收录300余篇)。





2012/12 - 至今,乐动网页版,材料科学与工程学院,教授,博士生导师,重点实验室主任(前院长)
2001/08 - 2012/11,中国科学院大连化学物理研究所,能源材料热化学重点实验室主任,组长,研究员,博士生导师
1996/09 - 2001/08,日本产业技术综合研究所,特别研究员/产业技术研究员
1995/05 - 1996/09,德国耶拿大学化学系,德国洪堡基金研究人员
1992/02 - 1995/01,湖南师范大学化学系,副教授
















       兼任国际化学热力学协会(IACT)理事与顾问,国际期刊《Journal of Thermal Analysis & Calorimetry》地区编辑,国际期刊《The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics》编委,国际《Inernational Journal of Electrochemistry Science》编委,国际《Recent Patents on Corrosion Science》编委,中国化学会化学热力学与热分析专业委员会副主任,中国仪表功能材料学会储能与动力电池专业委员会委员,中国物理学会相图专业委员会委员,中国能源学会专家委员会副主任,多次应邀担任国际国内学术会议大会共同主席,并作学术报告。



        出版学术著作《现代催化研究方法》《Classification of Materials, in Adaption of Simulated Annealing to Chemical Optimization Problems》《物理化学学科前沿与展望》 《先进储氢材料导论》等4个章节;在《Energy & Environmental Science》《Advanced Fuctional Materials》《Journal of Materials Chemistry A》《Biosensors & Bioelectronics》《Crystal Growth & Design》《Journal of Physical Chemistry C》《Dalton Transactions》《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》等国内外重要学术刊物发表学术论文500余篇(其中SCI、EI收录300余篇)。

     2018年组织承办诺贝奖获得者参加的石墨烯最新进展国际会议。此外,2015年“第七届中国储能与动力电池及其关键材料学术研讨与技术交流会”;2015年“清华大学-东京工业大学-乐动网页版纳米材料学术研讨会”;2016年“第十八届全国化学热力学和热分析学术交流会议”;2016年“24th International Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics (ICCT-2016)”国际会议;2017年“第17届全国氢能会议暨第9届两岸三地氢能研讨会”和“第十三届全国化学传感器学术会议”;2018年承办第六届“蔡司·金相学会杯”全国高校大学生金相大赛暨第四届“莱州华银·金相学会杯”全国高校大学生材料综合技能大赛;2019-2022中德国际合作双边交流会,;2022年新材料与化学工程国际学术会议等。







Year 2021

1. T. Wang, F. Xu,L.X. Sun*, L. Miao, L.M. Liao, S. Wei, Q.Q. Yin, K.X. Zhang, Y.Y. Li, Y. Wu, P.R. Huang, H.Z. Zhang, B. Li, H.L. Chu, Improved performance of hydrogen generation for Al-Bi-CNTs composite by spark plasma sintering, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 860 (2021) 157925.

2. X.L. Wang, C.H. Hu, H.T. An, D. Zhu, Y. Zhong, D.H. Wang, C.Y. Tang, L.X. Sun, H.Y. Zhou, Photocatalytic removal of MB and hydrogen evolution in water by (Sr0.6Bi0.305)(2)Bi2O7/TiO2heterostructures under visible-light irradiation, Applied Surface Science, 544 (2021) 148920.

3. J.J. Ma, D.C. Duan, W. Gao, F. Hu, S.Y. Liu, W. Su, H.L. Peng, K.X. Zhang, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, A Novel Fe and Cu Bimetallic Mixed Porous Carbon Material for Oxygen Reduction, Electrocatalysis, (2021), DOI: 10.1007/s12678-021-00660-z.

4. E.H. Yan, Y.C. Chen, K.X. Zhang, Y.J. Zou, H.L. Chu,L.X. Sun*, Design of hydrogen separatinwg Nb-Ti-Fe membranes with high permeability and low cost, Separation and Purification Technology, 257 (2021) 117945.

5. C.L. Peng, T.S. Li, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, F. Xu, J. Zhang,L.X. Sun*, Bacterial cellulose derived carbon as a support for catalytically active Co-B alloy for hydrolysis of sodium borohydride, International Journal Of Hydrogen Energy, 46 (2021) 666-675.

6. X.J. Mu, Y.F. Gu, P.F. Wang, A.Y. Wei, Y.Z. Tian, J.H. Zhou, Y.L. Chen, J.H. Zhang, Z.Q. Sun, J. Liu, L.X. Sun, S. Tanemura, L. Miao, Strategies for breaking theoretical evaporation limitation in direct solar steam generation, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 220 (2021) 110842.

Year 2020

1. S.W. Fang, J. Li, C.L. Xiang, Y.J. Zou, F. Xu,L.X. Sun*, J. Zhang, Anchoring sea urchin-like cobalt-nickel carbonate hydroxide on 3D carbon sponge for electrochemical energy storage, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 845 (2020) 156024.

2. X.Q. Mao, Y. Wang, C.L. Xiang, D Zhan, H.Z. Zhang, E.R. Yan, F. Xu, X.B. Hu, J. Zhang,L.X. Sun, Y.J. Zou, Core-shell structured CuCo2S4@CoMoO4nanorods for advanced electrode materials, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 844 (2020) 156133.

3. Z.S. Chen, G.X. Zhang, L. Du, Y. Zheng,L.X. Sun, S.H. Sun, Nanostructured Cobalt-Based Electrocatalysts for CO2Reduction: Recent Progress, Challenges, and Perspectives, Small, (2020) 2004158.

4. Y.L. Wang, P.R. Huang, J.X. Liu, H.L. Peng, Y.J. Zou, H.L. Chu, Y. He, F. Xu,L.X. Sun*, First-principle calculations of lithium adsorption and diffusion on titanium-based monolayers, Chemical Physics, 539 (2020) 110956.

5. J. Liang, C.L. Xiang, Y.J. Zou, X.B. Hu, H.L. Chu, S.J. Qiu, F. Xu,L.X. Sun*,Spacing graphene and Ni-Co layered double hydroxides with polypyrrole for high-performancesupercapacitors, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 55 (2020) 190-197.

6. X.Y. Yang, C.L. Xiang, Y.J. Zou, J. Liang, H.Z. Zhang, E.H. Yan, F. Xu, X.B. Hu, Q. Chong,L.X. Sun*, Low-temperature synthesis of sea urchin-like Co-Ni oxide on graphene oxide for supercapacitor electrodes, Journal of Materials ence & Technology, 55 (2020) 223-230.

7. Y.J. Zou, X. Zhang, J. Liang, C.L. Xiang, H.L. Chu, H. Z. Zhang, F. Xu,L.X. Sun*,Encapsulation of hollow Cu2O nanocubes with Co3O4on porous carbon for energy-storage devices, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 55 (2020) 182-189.

8. H.L. Chi, J.X. Liu, X.Y. Zhang, X.G. Xue, D.D. Zhang, X.C. Lin, P.R. Huang,L.X.Sun, J. Xiong, P. Cai, J. Zhang, Synergetic defects boost charge separation in CN for enhanced photocatalytic water splitting, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 8 27 (2020) 9366-9372.

9. L.Z. Ouyang, F. Liu, H. Wang, J.W. Liu, X.S. Yang,L.X. Sun, M. Zhu,Magnesium-based hydrogen storage compounds: A review, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 832 (2020)154865.

10. R.F. Zhang, X. Wen, F. Xu, Q.B. Zhang,L.X. Sun*,A Density Functional Theory Study of the Cu2ZnSnS4Monolayer as a Photo-electrointegrated Catalyst for Water Splitting and Hydrogen Evolution, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 124 (2020)11922-11929.

11.J.Q. Hua, H.L. Chu, Y. Zhu, T.T. Fang, S.J. Qiu, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, K.X. Zhang, B. Li, H.Z. Zhang, F. Xu,L.X. Sun*,Superior performance for lithium storage from an integrated composite anode consisting of SiO-based active material and current collector Frontiers of Materials ence, (2020).

12. J.H. Li, X.Y. Hong, Y.L. Wang, Y.M. Luo, P.R. Huang, B. Li, K.X. Zhang, Y.J. Zou,L.X. Sun*, F. Xu, F,Rosei, S.P. Verevkin, A.A. Pimerzin,Encapsulated Cobalt Nanoparticles as A Recoverable Catalyst for the Hydrolysis of Sodium Borohydride, Energy Storage Materials, 27 (2020) 187-197.

13. L. Miao, Y. Peng, D.H.Wang, J.H. Liang, C.C. Hu. E. Nishibori,L.X. Sun*, C.A.J. Fisher, S. Tanemura, Miao L , Peng Y , Wang D , et al. Characterisation of the temperature-dependent M1 to R phase transition in W-doped VO2 nanorod aggregates by Rietveld refinement and theoretical modelling, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 22(2020)7984-7994.

14. Y.M. Luo, Q.Y. Wang, J.H. Li, F. Xu,L.X. Sun*, Y.T. Bu, Y.J. Zou, H.B. Kraatz, F. Rosei,Tunable hierarchical surfaces of CuO derived from metal–organic frameworks for non-enzymatic glucose sensing, Inorganic chemistry frontiers, 7 (2020) 1512-1525.

15. R.G. Cheng,L.X. Sun*, F. Xu, Y.M. Luo, C.C. Zhang, Y.P. Xia, S. Wei, Y.X. Guan, M.M. Zhao, Q. Lin, H. Li, NiFe2O4-Coated Activated Carbon Composite as a Cathode Material for Lithium–Sulfur Batteries, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 15 (2020) 2624-2633.

16. Y.P. Xia, S. Wei, Q. Huang, J.Q. Li, X.H. Cen, H.Z. Zhang, H.L. Chu,L.X. Sun*, F. Xu, P.R. Huang, Facile synthesis of NiCo2O4-anchored reduced graphene oxide nanocomposites as efficient additives for improving the dehydrogenation behavior of lithium alanate, Inorganic chemistry frontiers, 7 (2020) 1257-1272.

17. X.Y. Qiu, J.X. Liu, P.R. Huang, S.J. Qiu, C.M. Weng, H.L. Chu, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, F. Xu,L.X. Sun*, Hydrolytic dehydrogenation of NH3BH3 catalyzed by ruthenium nanoparticles supported on magnesium–aluminum layered double-hydroxides, RSC Advances, 10 (2020) 9996-10005.

18.R. Ji, S. Wei, Y.P. Xia, C.W. Huang, Y. Huang , G.Z. Zhang, F. Xu,L.X. Sun*, X.C. Lin, Enhanced thermal performance of form-stable composite phase-change materials supported by novel porous carbon spheres for thermal energy storage, Journal of energy storage, 27 (2020) 101134.

19.Y.M. Luo, W.W. Cui, Y.J. Zou, H.L. Chu, F. Xu, L.X. Sun, Thermal decompositions and heat capacities study of a co-based zeolitic imidazolate framework, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2020.

20. X.Q. Mao, Y.J. Zou, J. Liang, C.L. Xiang, H.L. Chu, E.H. Yan, H.Z. Zhang, F. Xu, X.B. Hu, L.X. Sun,Facile synthesis of hierarchical Co–MoOS porous microspheres for high-performance supercapacitors[J]. Ceramics International, 46 (2020) 1448-1456.

21. X.Y. Yang, C.L. Cai, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, H.L. Chu, E.H. Yan, S.J. Qiu,L.X. Sun*, F. Xu, X.B. Hu, Co3O4-doped two-dimensional carbon nanosheet as an electrode material for high-performance asymmetric supercapacitors, Electrochimica Acta, 335 (2020) 135611.

22. Y.P. Pang, X.T. Wang, X.X. Shi, F. Xu,L.X. Sun, J.H. Yang, S.Y. Zheng, Solid-State Prelithiation Enables High-Performance Li-Al-H Anode for Solid-State Batteries, Advanced Energy Materials, (2020) 1902795.

23. Y.P. Xia, W.W. Cui, R. Ji, C.W. Huang, Y. Huang, H.Z. Zhang, F. Xu, P.R. Huang, B. Li,L.X. Sun*, Design and synthesis of novel microencapsulated phase change materials with enhancement of thermal conductivity and thermal stability: Self-assembled boron nitride into shell materials, Colloids And Surfaces A-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 586 (2020) 124225.

24. E.H. Yan, R.N. Min, P. Zhao, R. D.K. Misra, P.R.Huang, Y.J. Zou, H. L. Chu, H.Z. Zhang, F. Xu,L.X. Sun*,Design of Nb-based multi-phase alloy membranes for high hydrogen permeability and suppressed hydrogen embrittlement, Journal of Membrane Science, 595 (2020), DOI: 10.1016/j.memsci.2020.117531.

25. H.L. Chu, Y. Zhu, T.T. Fang, J.Q. Hua, S.J. Qiu, H.D. Liu, L.Y. Qin, Q.H. Wei, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, F. Xu,L.X. Sun*, Solvothermal synthesis of cobalt nickel layered double hydroxides with a three-dimensional nano-petal structure for high-performance supercapacitors, Sustainable Energy & Fuels, 4 (2020) 337-346.

26. Y. Liu, C.L. Xiang, H.L. Chu, S.J. Qiu, J. McLeod, Z. She, F. Xu,L.X. Sun*, Y.J. Zou, Binary Co-Ni oxide nanoparticle-loaded hierarchical graphitic porous carbon for high-performance supercapacitors, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 37 (2020) 135-142.

27. S.P. Verevkin, A.A. Pimerzin,L.X. Sun,Liquid organic hydrogen carriers: Hydrogen storage by di-phenyl ether derivatives: An experimental and theoretical study, The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 2020.

28.S.P. Verevkin, A.A. Pimerzin,L.X. Sun, Structure-property relationships in substituted diphenyl ethers: Non-nearest interactions of methyl-, methoxy-, hydroxyl-, amino-, and nitro-substituents[J]. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 512 (2020) 112534.

29. C. Wang, N. Zhang, C.Y. Hou, X.X. Han, C.H. Liu, Y.H. Xing, F.Y. Bai,L.X. Sun,Transition metal complexes constructed by pyridine–amino acid: fluorescence sensing and catalytic properties, Transition Metal Chemistry, 2020.

30. C.H. Liu, Q.L. Guan, X.D. Yang, F.Y. Bai,L.X. Sun, Y.H. Xing, Polyiodine-Modified 1,3,5-Benzenetricarboxylic Acid Framework Zn(II)/Cd(II) Complexes as Highly Selective Fluorescence Sensors for Thiamine Hydrochloride, NACs, and Fe3+/Zn2+, Inorganic Chemistry, 59 (2020) 8081-8098.

31. J.X. Li, Q.L. Guan, Y. Wang, Z.X. You, Y.H. Xing, F.Y. Bai,L.X. Sun,A lanthanide–organic crystalline framework material encapsulating 1,3,6,8-tetrakis(p-benzoic acid)pyrene: selective sensing of Fe3+, Cr2O72 and colchicine and white-light emission, New Journal of Chemistry, 44 (2020) 1446-1454.

32. Y.C. Hong, J. Peng, Z.C. Sun, Z.Q. Yu, A.J. Wang, Y. Wang, Y.Y. Liu, F. Xu,L.X. Sun, Transition Metal Oxodiperoxo Complex Modified Metal-Organic Frameworks as Catalysts for the Selective Oxidation of Cyclohexane, Materials, 13 (2020) 829.

33. N. Zhang,L.X, Sun, F.Y. Bai, Y.H. Xing,Thorium–Organic Framework Constructed with a Semirigid Triazine Hexacarboxylic Acid Ligand: Unique Structure with Thorium Oxide Wheel Clusters and Iodine Adsorption Behavior, Inorganic Chemistry, 59 (2020)3964-3973.

34. Y. Xin, N. Zhang, X.X. Han, B. Li, Y. Sun,L.X. Sun, F.Y. Bai, Y.H. Xing, Three transition metal complexes based on nicotinate: Synthesis, structure and adsorption properties[J]. Journal of Molecular Structure, 1205 (2020)127656.

35. C.W. Huang, Q.T. Li, Y.B. Yang, S. Wei, R. Ji, Q.F. Zhang, Y.C. Zhu, H.Z. Zhang, F. Xu,L.X. Sun*, Y.P. Xia, A novel bifunctional microencapsulated phase change material loaded with ZnO for thermal energy storage and light-thermal energy conversion, Sustainable Energy & Fuels,4 (2020)5203-5214.

36. Y.P. Xia, Q.T. Li, R. Ji, H.Z. Zhang, F. Xu, P.R. Huang, Y.J. Zou, H.L. Chu, X.C. Lin,L.X. Sun*, Multielement Synergetic Effect of Boron Nitride and Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes for the Fabrication of Novel Shape-Stabilized Phase-Change Composites with Enhanced Thermal Conductivity, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 12 (2020)41398-41409.

37. C.C. Zhang, C.W. Huang, S. Wei, X.R. Cai, S.Y. Wei, F. Yu, B. Li, K.X. Zhang, Y.F. Ouyang,L.X. Sun*, F. Xu, Y,H, Xing, S. Verevkin, A.A. Pimerzin, Synthesis, crystal structure and thermodynamic properties of two transition metal coordination polymers, Thermochimica Acta, 690 (2020)178661.

38. J.H. Li, X.Y. Hong, Y.L. Wang, Y.M. Luo, B. Li, P.R. Huang, Y.J. Zou, H.L. Chu, S.Y. Zheng,L.X. Sun*, F. Xu, Y. Du, J.C. Wang, F. Rosei, S.E.H. Jurgen, U. Sven, X. Wu, A modified 'skeleton/skin' strategy for designing CoNiP nanosheets arrayed on graphene foam for on/off switching of NaBH(4)hydrolysis, RSC Advances, 10 (2020) 26834-26842.

39. J.H. Li, X.Y. Hong, Y.M. Luo, Y. Zhu, L.L. Lu, B. Li, F. Xu,L.X. Sun*, Nitrogen Doping of Porous Carbon Electrodes Derived from Pine Nut Shell for High -Performance Supercapacitors, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 15 (2020) 6041-6051.

40. Q.L. Guan, C. Han, F.Y. Bai, J. Liu, Y.H. Xing, Z. Shi,L.X. Sun, Bismuth-MOF based on tetraphenylethylene derivative as a luminescent sensor with turn-off/on for application of Fe3+ detection in serum and bioimaging, as well as emissive spectra analysis by TRES, Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical, 325 (2020) 128767.

Year 2019

1. Z.Y. Deng, L. Miao, P.F. Liu, J.H. Zhou, P.F. Wang, Y.F. Gu, X.Y. Wang, H.F. Cai,L.X. Sun, S. Tanemura, Extremely high water-production created by a nanoink-stained PVA evaporator with embossment structure, Nano Energy, 55 (2019) 368-376.

2. Y. Xia, H. Zhang, P. Huang, C. Huang, F. Xu, Y. Zou, H. Chu, E. Yan,L.X. Sun, Graphene-oxide-induced lamellar structures used to fabricate novel composite solid-solid phase change materials for thermal energy storage, Chemical Engineering Journal, 362 (2019) 909-920.

3. H.L. Chu, N.P. Li, S.J. Qiu, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, F. Xu,L.X. Sun, Ruthenium supported on nitrogen-doped porous carbon for catalytic hydrogen generation from NH3BH3 hydrolysis, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 44 (2019) 1774-1781.

4. C.C. Xu, F. Xu,L.X. Sun, L.Z. Cao, F. Yu, H.Z. Zhang, E.H. Yan, H.L. Peng, H.L. Chu, Y.J. Zou, A High-Performance Supercapacitor Based on Nitrogen-Doped Porous Carbon Derived from Cycas Leaves, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 14 (2019) 1782-1793.

5. Y.S. Li, J. Wang, Z.F. Zhou, J.Q. Deng, Q.R. Yao, H.L. Chu, Z.M. Wang,L.X. Sun, H.Y. Zhou, Large-scale synthesis of porous Li3V2(PO4)(3)@C/AB hollow microspheres with interconnected channel as high performance cathodes for lithium-ion batteries, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 774 (2019) 879-886.

6. Y. Yin, H. Zeng, Q.L. Sui, C.L. Xiang, Y.J. Zou, H.L. Chu, S.J. Qiu, Q. Chen, F. Xu,L.X. Sun, Formation of CoO-NiO Nanoparticles on Nitrogen Doped Porous Carbon as High Performance Supercapacitor Electrode, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 14 (2019) 764-776.

7.Y.P. Pang, Y. Xu, Y.T. Li, F. Xu,L.X. Sun, J.H. Yang, H.W. Li, S.Y. Zheng, Carbon/Sulfur Composites Stabilized with Nano-TiNi for High-Performance Li-S Battery Cathodes, ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2 (2019) 1537-1543.

8. L.F.Song, C. Xue, H.Y. Xia, S.J. Qiu,L.X. Sun, H.X. Chen, Effects of Alkali Metal (Li, Na, and K) Incorporation in NH2-MIL125(Ti) on the Performance of CO2 Adsorption, Materials, 12 (2019) 844.

9.C. Zhao, F. Xu,L.X. Sun, J. Chen, X.L. Guo, E.H. Yan, F. Yu, H.L. Chu, H.L. Peng, Y.J. Zou, Z.W. Liu, F.W. Li, A novel Al-BiOCl composite for hydrogen generation from water, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 44 (2019) 6655-6662.

10. Y.P. Xia, H.Z. Zhang, P.R. Huang, C.W. Huang, F. Xu, Y.J. Zou, H.L. Chu, E.H. Yan,L.X. Sun, Graphene-oxide-induced lamellar structures used to fabricate novel composite solid-solid phase change materials for thermal energy storage, Chemical Engineering Journal, 362 (2019) 909-920.

11. X.X. Du, Q. Chen, C.L. Xiang, Y.J. Zou, F. Xu, J.L. Xie,L.X. Sun, Formation of Highly Dispersed Ultrafine MnO2Nanoparticles on Nitrogen-doped Porous Carbon for Supercapacitor Applications, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 14 (2019) 4195-4205.

12.C.L. Xiang, Y. Liu, Y. Yin, P.R. Huang, Y.J. Zou, M. Fehse, Z. She, F. Xu, D. Banerjee, D.H. Merino, A. Longo, H.B. Kraatz, D.F. Brougham, B. Wu,L.X. Sun, Acs Applied Energy Materials, 2 (2019) 3389-3399.

13. P.F. Liu, L. Miao, Z.Y. Deng, J.H. Zhou, Y.F. Gu, S.Y. Chen, H.F. Cai,L.X. Sun, S. Tanemura, Flame-treated and fast-assembled foam system for direct solar steam generation and non-plugging high salinity desalination with self-cleaning effect, Applied Energy, 241 (2019) 652-659.

14. Y.R. Liu, Y.P. Xia, K. An, C.W. Huang, W.W. Cui, S. Wei, R. Ji, F. Xu, H.Z. Zhang,L.X. Sun, Fabrication and characterization of novel meso-porous carbon/n-octadecane as form-stable phase change materials for enhancement of phase-change behavior, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 35 (2019) 939-945.

15. Y. Liu, Q.L. Sui, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, F. Xu, J.J. Xie,L.X. Sun, Porous N-doped Carbon Derived from ZIF-8/Reduced Graphene oxide/Polypyrrole Composite for High Performance Supercapacitor, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 14 (2019) 5096-5106.

16. B.B. Jiang, D.H. Wen, Q. Wang, J.D. Che, C. Dong, P.K. Liaw, F. Xu,L.X. Sun, Design of near-alpha Ti alloys via a cluster formula approach and their high-temperature oxidation resistance, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 35 (2019) 1008-1016.

17. E.H. Yan, R.N. Min, H.R. Huang, P. Zhao, P.R. Huang, Y.J. Zou, H.L. Chu, S.H. Sun,L.X. Sun, Multiphase Nb-TiCo alloys: The significant impact of surface corrosion on the structural stability and hydrogen permeation behavior, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 44 (2019) 16684-16697.

18. S.L. Qiu, T.T. Fang, Y. Zhu, J.Q. Hua, H.L. Chu, Y.J. Zou, J.L. Zeng, F. Xu,L.X. Sun, Li1.2Mn0.6Ni0.2O2 with 3D porous rod-like hierarchical micro/nanostructure for high-performance cathode material, Journal of Alloys And Compounds, 790 (2019) 863-870.

19. Y. Zhu, T.T. Fang, J.Q. Hua, S.J. Qiu, H.L. Chu, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, P.R. Huang, K.X. Zhang, X.C. Lin, E.H. Yan, H.Z. Zhang, F. Xu,L.X. Sun, J.L. Zeng, Biomass-Derived Porous Carbon Prepared from Egg White for High-performance Supercapacitor Electrode Materials, Chemistryselect, 4 (2019) 7358-7365.

20. X. Zhang, R.J. Zhang, C.L. Xiang, Y. Liu, Y.J. Zou, H.L. Chu, S.J. Qiu, F. Xu,L.X. Sun, Polydopamine-assisted formation of Co3O4-nanocube-anchored reduced graphene oxide composite for high-performance supercapacitors, Ceramics International, 45 (2019) 13894-13902.

21.S. Wei, Z.J. Duan, Y.P. Xia, C.W. Huang, R. Ji, H.Z. Zhang, F. Xu,L.X. Sun, Y.X. Sun, Preparation and thermal performances of microencapsulated phase change materials with a nano-Al2O3-doped shell, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 138 (2019) 233-241.

22.Y.L. Wang, C.F. Shao, S.J. Qiu, Y. Zhu, M. Qin, Y.X. Meng, Y. Wang, H.L. Chu, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, J.L. Zeng, Z.X. Cao, F. Xu,L.X. Sun, Nitrogen-doped porous carbon derived from ginkgo leaves with remarkable supercapacitance performance, Diamond And Related Materials, 98 (2019) 107475.

23. D.C. Duan, F. Hu, J.J. Ma, H.L. Peng, K.X. Zhang, P.R. Huang, H.L. Chu, X.C. Lin, S.J. Qiu, S.Y. Wei, F. Xu,L.X. Sun, A facile one-pot method to prepare nitrogen and fluorine co-doped three-dimensional graphene-like materials for supercapacitors, Journal Of Materials Science-Materials In Electronics, 30 (2019) 19505-19512.

24. J.X. Liu, P.R. Huang, Y.L. Wang, H.L. Peng, Y.J. Zou, H.Z. Zhang, E.H. Yan, M.Q. Long, F. Xu,L.X. Sun, Tuning the properties of hydrogenated graphene via interfacial contact of cubic BN (111), 571 (2019) 257-262.

25. D.C. Duan, W. Su, X.Y. Tan, F. Hu, Y.Y. Wang, W.Y. Huang, H.L. Peng, F. Xu, Y.J. Zou,L.X. Sun, Porous Carbon Electrode Derived from Waste Wine Industry for Supercapacitors, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 14 (2019) 10198-10212.

26. H.L. Chu, N.P. Li, X.Y. Qiu, Y. Wang, S.J. Qiu, J.L. Zeng, Y.J. Zou, F. Xu,L.X. Sun, Poly(N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone)-stabilized ruthenium supported on bamboo leaf-derived porous carbon for NH3BH3 hydrolysis, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 44 (2019) 29255-29262.

27. H.L. Peng, D.C. Duan, X.Y. Tan, F. Hu, J.J. Ma, K.X. Zhang, F. Xu, B. Li,L.X. Sun, A One-Pot Method to Synthesize a Co-Based Graphene-Like Structure Doped Carbon Material for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction, Chemelectrochem, DOI: 10.1002/celc.201901463.

28. N.A. Khan, B. Akhavan, H.R. Zhou, L. Chang, Y. Wang,L.X. Sun, M.M. Bilek, Z.W. Liu, High entropy alloy thin films of AlCoCrCu0.5FeNi with controlled microstructure, Applied Surface Science, 495 (2019) 143560.

29. L.N. Yang, F.C. Meng, X.Y. Qu, L.X. Xia, F. Huang, S. Qin, M.H. Zhang, F. Xu,L.X. Sun, H.Y. Liu, Multiple-twinned silver nanoparticles supported on mesoporous graphene with enhanced antibacterial activity, Carbon, 155 (2019) 397-402.

30. Y. Lu, F. Xu,L.X. Sun, Y. Wu, Y.P. Xia, X.R. Cai, N.K. Zhong, H.Z. Zhang, B. Li, H.L. Chu, Facile Method for Preparation of Porous Carbon Derived from Biomass for High Performance Supercapacitors, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 14 (2019) 11199-11211.

31. Q.L. Sui, C.L. Xiang, Y.J. Zou, E.H. Yan, H.Z. Zhang, F. Xu,L.X. Sun, Facile synthesis of Co-Ni-Mn oxide for high performance supercapacitor, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 14 (2019) 10710-10719.

32. Y.Y. Wang, D.C. Duan, J.J. Ma, W. Gao, H.L. Peng, P.R. Huang, X.C. Lin, F. Xu,L.X. Sun, Waste wine mash-derived doped carbon materials as an efficient electrocatalyst for oxygen reduction reaction, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 44 (2019) 31949-31959.

33.Z.X. You, N. Zhang, Q.L. Guan, Y.H. Xing, F.Y. Bai,L.X. Sun, High Sorption Capacity of U(VI) by COF-Based Material Doping Hydroxyapatite Microspheres: Kinetic, Equilibrium and Mechanism Investigation, DOI: 10.1007/s10904-019-01420-9.

Year 2018

1.Y.M. Luo,L.X. Sun, F. Xu, Z.W. Liu, Improved hydrogen storage of LiBH4 and NH3BH3 by catalysts, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 6 (2018) 7293-7309.

2. J.C. Wang, Y. Du,L.X. Sun, Understanding of hydrogen desorption mechanism from defect point of view, National Science Review, 5 (2018) 318-U175.

3. E.H. Yan, H.R. Huang, S.H. Sun, Y.J. Zou, H.L. Chu,L.X. Sun, Development of Nb-Ti-Co alloy for high-performance hydrogen separating membrane, Journal of Membrane Science, 565 (2018) 411-424.

4. F. Xu,L.X. Sun, P.R. Huang, Y.J. Sun, Q. Zheng, Y.J. Zou, H.L. Chu, E.H. Yan, H.Z. Zhang, J.H. Wang, Y. Du, pyridine vapor sensor based on metal-organic framework-modified quartz crystal microbalance, Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical, 254 (2018) 872-877.

5. P. Li, F. Xu,L.X. Sun, Y.P. Xia, J. Chen, X. Yang, Y.P. Wu, F. Yu, Y.M. Luo, Hydrogen generation performance of novel Al-LiH-metal oxides, Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers, 5 (2018) 1700-1706.

6. H.L. Chu, C.F. Shao, S.J. Qiu, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, F. Xu,L.X. Sun, Nitrogen-rich sandwich-like carbon nanosheets as anodes with superior lithium storage properties, Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers, 5 (2018) 225-232.

7. C.F. Shao, S.J. Qiu, H.L. Chu, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, F. Xu,L.X. Sun, Nitrogen-doped porous microsphere carbons derived from glucose and aminourea for high-performance supercapacitors, Catalysis Today, 318 (2018) 150-156.

8. S.J. Qiu, W. Gao, X.Y. Ma, H.L. Chu, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, H.Z. Zhang, F. Xu,L.X. Sun, Enhanced thermal diffusivity and dehydrogenation of 2LiNH(2)-MgH2 by doping with super activated carbon, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 43 (2018) 13975-13980.

9. H.L. Peng, P.R. Huang, P.G. Yi, F. Xu,L.X. Sun, Theoretical studies of pi-electron delocalization and localization on intramolecular proton transfer in the ground state, Journal of Molecular Structure, 1154 (2018) 590-595.

10. E.H. Yan, H.R. Huang, R.N. Min, F. Xu, P. Zhao, Y.J. Zou, H.L. Chu, H.Z. Zhang,L.X. Sun, Design and characterizations of novel Nb-ZrCo hydrogen permeation alloys for hydrogen separation applications, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 212 (2018) 282-291.

11. Y. Luo,L.X. Sun, F. Xu, S.Y. Wei, Q.Y. Wang, H.L. Peng, C.L. Chen, Cobalt(II) coordination polymers as anodes for lithium-ion batteries with enhanced capacity and cycling stability, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 34 (2018) 1412-1418.

12. S.J. Qiu, W. Gao, H.L. Peng, H.L. Chu, Z.H. Li, H.B. Liang, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, H.Z. Zhang, E.H. Yan, F. Xu,L.X. Sun, Y. Li, Fe-Co-Ni/Nitrogen-Doped Mesoporous Carbon Materials for Electrochemical Oxygen Reduction, Chemistryselect, 3 (2018) 12960-12966.

13. Y.P. Xia, W.W. Cui, H.Z. Zhang, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, H.L. Chu, S.J. Qiu, F. Xu,L.X. Sun, Preparation and thermal performance of n-octadecane/expanded graphite composite phase-change materials for thermal management, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 131 (2018) 81-88.

14. Y.P. Wu, F. Xu,L.X. Sun, Y.P. Xia, P. Li, J. Chen, X. Yang, F. Yu, H.Z. Zhang, H.L. Chu, Y.J. Zou, Improved Dehydrogenation Performance of Li-B-N-H by Doped NiO, Metals, 8 (2018).

15. T.H. Wu,L.X. Sun, F. Xu, D. Cai, Nitrogen-doped hierarchical porous carbon materials derived from diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA) for supercapacitors, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 34 (2018) 2384-2391.

16. C.C. Zhang, S.Y. Wei,L.X. Sun, F. Xu, P.R. Huang, H.L. Peng, Synthesis, structure and photocatalysis properties of two 3D Isostructural Ln (III)-MOFs based 2,6-Pyridinedicarboxylic acid, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 34 (2018) 1526-1531.

17. Y.J. Zou, Y. Yin, Y.B. Gao, C.L. Xiang, H.L. Chu, S.J. Qiu, E.H. Yan, F. Xu,L.X. Sun, Chitosan-mediated Co-Ce-B nanoparticles for catalyzing the hydrolysis of sodium borohydride, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 43 (2018) 4912-4921.

18. E.H. Yan, H.R. Huang, R.N. Min, P. Zhao, R.D.K. Misra, P.R. Huang, F. Xu,L.X. Sun, Effect of Pd overlayer and mixed gases on hydrogen permeation of Pd/Nb30Hf35Co35/Pd composite membranes, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 43 (2018) 14466-14477.

19. Y.J. Zou, C.L. Cai, C.L. Xiang, P.R. Huang, H.L. Chu, Z. She, F. Xu,L.X. Sun, H.B. Kraatz, Simple synthesis of core-shell structure of Co-Co3O4 @ carbon-nanotube-incorporated nitrogen-doped carbon for high-performance supercapacitor, Electrochimica Acta, 261 (2018) 537-547.

20. C.L. Cai, Q.L. Sui, Z. She, H.B. Kraatz, C.L. Xiang, P.R. Huang, H.L. Chu, S.J. Qiu, F. Xu,L.X. Sun, A. Shah, Y.J. Zou, Two dimensional holey carbon nanosheets assisted by calcium acetate for high performance supercapacitor, Electrochimica Acta, 283 (2018) 904-913.

21. J.L. Zeng, Y.H. Chen, L. Shu, L.P. Yu, L. Zhu, L.B. Song, Z. Cao,L.X. Sun, Preparation and thermal properties of exfoliated graphite/erythritol/mannitol eutectic composite as form-stable phase change material for thermal energy storage, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 178 (2018) 84-90.

22. Y. Yin, C.L. Xiang, H.L. Chu, H.Z. Zhang, F. Xu, E.H. Yan,L.X. Sun, C.Y. Tang, Y.J. Zou, Facile synthesis of honeycomb-structured Co-W-B composite for high-performance supercapacitors, Applied Surface Science, 460 (2018) 25-32.

23. Y. Wang, S.H. Xing, F.Y. Bai, Y.H. Xing,L.X. Sun, Stable Lanthanide-Organic Framework Materials Constructed by a Triazolyl Carboxylate Ligand: Multifunction Detection and White Luminescence Tuning, Inorganic Chemistry, 57 (2018) 12850-12859.

24. Y. Wang, N. Du, X. Zhang, Y. Wang, Y.H. Xing, F.Y. Bai,L.X. Sun, Z. Shi, Functional Sensing Materials Based on Lanthanide N-Heterocyclic Polycarboxylate Crystal Frameworks for Detecting Thiamines, Crystal Growth & Design, 18 (2018) 2259-2269.

25. Y. Yin, H.T. Zhang, P.R. Huang, C.L. Xiang, Y.J. Zou, F. Xu,L.X. Sun, Inducement of nanoscale Cu-BTC on nanocomposite of PPy-rGO and its performance in ammonia sensing, Materials Research Bulletin, 99 (2018) 152-160.

26. S. Liu,L.X. Sun, L.T. Liu, Y.L. Zhou, F. Xu, Morphology-control synthesis of a Cu-based metal-organic framework directed by carboxyl-functionalized graphene, Polyhedron, 149 (2018) 104-108.

27. W.W. Cui, H.Z. Zhang, Y.P. Xia, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, H.L. Chu, S.J. Qiu, F. Xu,L.X. Sun, Preparation and thermophysical properties of a novel form-stable CaCl2 center dot 6H(2)O/sepiolite composite phase change material for latent heat storage, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 131 (2018) 57-63.

28. P.F. Liu, L. Miao, Z.Y. Deng, J.H. Zhou, H. Su,L.X. Sun, S. Tanemura, W.J. Cao, F.M. Jiang, L.D. Zhao, A mimetic transpiration system for record high conversion efficiency in solar steam generator under one-sun, MaterialsToday Energy, 8 (2018) 166-173.

29. Z.Y. Deng, P.F. Liu, J.H. Zhou, L. Miao, Y. Peng, H. Su, P.F. Wang, X.Y. Wang, W.J. Cao, F.M. Jiang,L.X. Sun, S. Tanemura, A Novel Ink-Stained Paper for Solar Heavy Metal Treatment and Desalination, Solar Rrl, 2 (2018).

30. J.D. Che, B.B. Jiang, Q. Wang, C. Dong, G.Q. Chen, R.Q. Zhang, R. Tang, F. Xu,L.X. Sun, Effects of Minor Additions of Elements into Ti1100 on Elevated Temperature Oxidation- and Corrosion -Resistance, Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 47 (2018) 1471-1477.

Year 2017

1. S.J. Qiu, H.L. Chu, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, F. Xu,L.X. Sun, Light metal borohydrides/amides combined hydrogen storage systems: composition, structure and properties, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 5 (2017) 25112-25130.

2. C.L. Xiang, Q.Y. Wang, Y.J. Zou, P.R. Huang, H.L. Chu, S.J. Qiu, F. Xu,L.X. Sun, Simple synthesis of graphene-doped flower-like cobalt-nickel-tungsten-boron oxides with self-oxidation for high-performance supercapacitors, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 5 (2017) 9907-9916.

3. Y.P. Xia, W.W. Cui, H.Z. Zhang, F. Xu,L.X. Sun, Y.J. Zou, H.L. Chu, E.H. Yan, Synthesis of three-dimensional graphene aerogel encapsulated n-octadecane for enhancing phase-change behavior and thermal conductivity, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 5 (2017) 15191-15199.

4. Z.Y. Deng, J.H. Zhou, L. Miao, C.Y. Liu, Y. Peng,L.X. Sun, S. Tanemura, The emergence of solar thermal utilization: solar-driven steam generation, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 5 (2017) 7691-7709.

5. X. Li, X.B. Cheng, M.X. Gao, D.W. Ren, Y.F. Liu, Z.X. Guo, C.X. Shang,L.X. Sun, H.G. Pan, Amylose-Derived Macrohollow Core and Microporous Shell Carbon Spheres as Sulfur Host for Superior Lithium Sulfur Battery Cathodes, Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces, 9 (2017) 10717-10729.

6. J.C. Wang, C. Freysoldt, Y. Du,L.X. Sun, First-Principles Study of Intrinsic Defects in Ammonia Borane, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 121 (2017) 22680-22689.

7. C.L. Xiang, T. Chen, H.T. Zhang, Y.J. Zou, H.L. Chu, H.Z. Zhang, F. Xua,L.X. Sun, C.Y. Tang, Growth of copper-benzene-1,3,5-tricarboxylate on boron nitride nanotubes and application of the composite in methane sensing, Applied Surface Science, 424 (2017) 39-44.

8. F. Xu, X.F. Zhang,L.X. Sun, F. Yu, P. Li, J. Chen, Y.P. Wu, L.Z. Cao, C.C. Xu, X. Yang, E.H. Yan, H.L. Chu, Y.J. Zou, F.W. Li, Hydrogen generation of a novel Al-NaMgH3 composite reaction with water, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 42 (2017) 30535-30542.

9. H. Dai, H.B. Dai, Y.J. Zhong, Q. Kang,L.X. Sun, P. Wang, Kinetics of catalytic decomposition of hydrous hydrazine over CeO2-supported bimetallic Ni-Pt nanocatalysts, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 42 (2017) 5684-5693.

10. Y. Wang, L.J. Zhang, R. Zhang, Y. Jin, Y. Wang, Y.H. Xi, F.Y. Bai,L.X. Sun, Porous Metal-Organic Frameworks with 5-Aminoisophthalic Acid as Platforms for Functional Applications about High Photodegradation Efficiency of Phenol, Crystal Growth & Design, 17 (2017) 6531-6540.

11. J.Y. Fei,L.X. Sun, C.F. Zhou, H.J. Ling, F. Yan, X. Zhong, Y.X. Lu, J. Shi, J. Huang, Z.W. Liu, Tuning the Synthesis of Manganese Oxides Nanoparticles for Efficient Oxidation of Benzyl Alcohol, Nanoscale Research Letters, 12 (2017).

12. S.J. Qiu, X.Y. Ma, E.R. Wang, H.L. Chu, J. Huot, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, F. Xu,L.X. Sun, Enhanced hydrogen storage properties of 2LiNH(2)/MgH2 through the addition of Mg(BH4)(2), Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 704 (2017) 44-50.

13. L.J. Zhang, F.Y. Bai, X. Gao, N. Du, Y.H. Xing,L.X. Sun, Multifunctional indium complexes with fluorescent sensing and selective adsorption dye properties, New Journal of Chemistry, 41 (2017) 6883-6892.

14. C.F. Shao, Z.Q. Wang, E.R. Wang, S.J. Qiu, H.L. Chu, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, F. Xua,L.X. Sun, Self-assembly synthesis of nitrogen-doped mesoporous carbons used as high-performance electrode materials in lithium-ion batteries and supercapacitors, New Journal of Chemistry, 41 (2017) 12901-12909.

15. E.R. Wang, C.F. Shao, S.J. Qiu, H.L. Chu, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, F. Xu,L.X. Sun, Organic carbon gel assisted-synthesis of Li1.2Mn0.6Ni0.2O2 for a high-performance cathode material for Li-ion batteries, Rsc Advances, 7 (2017) 1561-1566.

16. X. Zhang,L.X. Sun, J. Song, N. Du, Y.H. Xing, F.Y. Bai, Z. Shi, Based on a V-shaped In(III) metal-organic framework (MOF): Design, synthesis and characterization of diverse physical and chemical properties, Polyhedron, 134 (2017) 207-214.

17. J.L. Zeng, S.L. Sun, L. Zhou, Y.H. Chen, L. Shu, L.P. Yu, L. Zhu, L.B. Song, Z. Cao,L.X. Sun, Preparation, morphology and thermal properties of microencapsulated palmitic acid phase change material with polyaniline shells, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 129 (2017) 1583-1592.

18. S.B. Yu, J.L. Zeng, S.L. Sun, L. Zhou, Y.H. Chen, L.B. Song, Z. Cao,L.X. Sun, Thermal properties characterization of two promising phase change material candidates, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 129 (2017) 189-199.

19. Y. Wang, X.M. Lin, F.Y. Bai,L.X. Sun,Novel vanadium complexes with rigid carboxylate ligands: Synthesis, structure and catalytic bromine dynamics of phenol red, Journal of Molecular Structure, 1149 (2017) 379-386.

20. F. Zhang, S.H. Liu, J.C. Wang, Y. Du,L.X. Sun, Experimental investigation and thermodynamic assessment of the Li-Sb system, Calphad-Computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry, 57 (2017) 28-36.

21. S.J. Qiu, X.Y. Ma, E.R. Wang, H.L. Chu, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, F. Xu,L.X. Sun, Improved Dehydrogenation Properties of 2LiNH(2)-MgH2 by Doping with Li3AlH6, Metals, 7 (2017).

22. Y.J. Zou, Y.B. Gao, P.R. Huang, C.L. Xiang, H.L. Chu, S.J. Qiu, E.H. Yan, F. Xu,L.X. Sun, Effects of the Preparation Solvent on the Catalytic Properties of Cobalt-Boron Alloy for the Hydrolysis of Alkaline Sodium Borohydride, Metals, 7 (2017).

23. G.M. Wu, C.F. Shao, S.J. Qiu, H.L. Chu, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, H.Z. Zhang, F. Xu,L.X. Sun, Guanine-Derived Nitrogen-Doped Ordered Mesoporous Carbons for Lithium-Ion Battery Anodes, Chemistryselect, 2 (2017) 10076-10081.

24. J. Yan, J.C. Ni, J.X. Zhao,L.X. Sun, F.Y. Bai, Z. Shi, Y.H. Xing, The nitro aromatic compounds detection by triazole carboxylic acid and its complex with the fluorescent property, Tetrahedron, 73 (2017) 2682-2689.

25. L.F. Song, Y.J. Zou, H.T. Zhang, C.L. Xiang, H.L. Chu, S.J. Qiu, E.H. Yan, F. Xu,L.X. Sun, High Performance Supercapacitor based on Polypyrrole /Melamine Formaldehyde Resin Derived Carbon Material, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 12 (2017) 1014-1024.

26. Y. Sawada, Y. Hashimoto, Y. Hoshi, S. Kaneko, T. Uchida, S. Kobayashi,L.X. Sun, I. DestechPublicat, Crystal Orientation and Electrical Properties of Al and Ga Co-Doped Zinc Oxide Transparent Conducting Films Deposited on Sapphire Surface, Joint Conferences of 2017 International Conference on Materials Science and Engineering Application2017.

27. Y. Ma, B.B. Jiang, C.L. Li, Q. Wang, C. Dong, P.K. Liaw, F. Xu,L.X. Sun, The BCC/B2 Morphologies in AlxNiCoFeCr High-Entropy Alloys, Metals, 7 (2017).

28. X.M. Lin, X.D. Feng, Y. Wang, Y.H. Xing,L.X. Sun, S.Y. Wei, Z. Shi, Polyoxidovanadate complexes: synthesis, structures and catalytic oxidative bromination of phenol red, J. Coord. Chem., 70 (2017) 44-59.

29. S. Li,L.X. Sun, J.C. Ni, Z. Shi, Y.H. Xing, D. Shang, F.Y. Bai, Two uranyl heterocyclic carboxyl compounds with fluorescent properties as high sensitivity and selectivity optical detectors for nitroaromatics, New Journal of Chemistry, 41 (2017) 3073-3081.

30. B.B. Jiang, Q. Wang, D.H. Wen, F. Xu, G.Q. Chen, C. Dong,L.X. Sun, P.K. Liaw, Effects of Nb and Zr on structural stabilities of Ti-Mo-Sn-based alloys with low modulus, Materials Science and Engineering a-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing, 687 (2017) 1-7.

31. B.B. Jiang, Q. Wang, X.N. Li, C. Dong, F. Xu, H. He,L.X. Sun, Structural Stability of the Metastable beta- (Mo0.5Sn0.5)-(Ti13Zr1) Nb-1 Alloy with Low Young's Modulus at Different States, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions a-Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, 48A (2017) 3912-3919.

32. W.W. Cui, Y.P. Xia, H.Z. Zhang, F. Xu, Y.J. Zou, C.L. Xiang, H.L. Chu, S.J. Qiu,L.X. Sun, Microencapsulation of phase change materials with carbon nanotubes reinforced shell for enhancement of thermal conductivity, in: Y. Han (Ed.) 17th Iumrs International Conference in Asia2017.





《Classification of Materials, in Adaption of Simulated Annealing to Chemical Optimization Problems》




[1]高密度储氢材料及其吸/放氢过程的基础研究,国家自然科学基金委区域创新发展联合基金重点支持项目, 260万, 2021-2024,孙立贤

[2]高密度储氢材料及高能效储氢系统的关键基础研究, 国家十三五国家重点研发计划子课题, 59万,2019-2021

[3] 广西电子信息材料构效关系重点实验室重大创新基地,广西,2400万元,2019.1-2022.12,孙立贤

[4]Sino-Germany Joint of Integrated of Computational Materials Engineering of Electrochemical Storage Systems, 中德联合基金,60万,2019-2021

[5] 新型氢-热能源材料与传感器关键技术,科技部-广西科技厅项目,30万元,2021-2022,孙立贤

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