
杜玉松 副高级 (duyusong@guet.edu.cn)    




杜玉松,男,博士,副教授,硕士生导师。2009年本科毕业于河北理工大学金属材料工程专业,2012年硕士毕业于乐动网页版材料学专业,2018年博士毕业于北京科技大学材料科学与工程专业。硕士毕业后留校任教至今,其中,2019年4月至2021年5月进入深圳大学光学工程博士后流动站从事科学研究,广西饶光辉研究员八桂学者团队成员。主要从事稀土-过渡族合金相图与相变,稀土基材料的磁、热、光、电等物性研究,包括永磁材料、磁制冷材料、力致发光材料、热电材料以及磁致伸缩材料等。 主持国家自然科学基金1项、广西自然科学基金项目2项、广西信息材料重点实验室基金项目6项,参与国家自然科学基金项目多项,参与完成国家重点研发计划项目1项,作为主要参与人完成国家973项目1项。至今以第一作者或通讯作者在 《Journal of Alloys and Compounds》、《Intermetallics》《Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials》、《Journal of Rare Earths》《Chinese Physics B》等国内外重要学术期刊上发表论文21篇,并被受邀担任Journal of Alloys and Compounds、Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials、Phase Transitions等国际期刊审稿人。指导学生撰写发明专利5项,获授权1项。









1.G.B. Huang, Y.S. Du*, X.F. Wu, L. Ma, L. Li, G. Cheng, J. Wang, J.T. Zhao, G.H. Rao*, Tunable magnetocaloric effect at approximately room temperature by Y-substitution in Ho2Fe17, Intermetallics,143 (2022) 107487.

2.G.Y. Lu, Y.S. Du*, X.F. Wu*, L. Ma, L. Li, G. Cheng, J. Wang, J.T. Zhao, G.H. Rao*, Effect of Cu substitution on the type of magnetic phase transition and magnetocaloric effect in the ErCo2-xCux compounds, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 906 (2022) 164343.

3. Y.S. Du, C.H. Zhang*, Y.M. Lu, L. Li, J.Q. Li, L. Ma, G.H. Rao*, Table-like magnetocaloric effect and large refrigerant capacity in Nd6Fe13Pd1-xAgx compounds, Intermetallics, 130 (2021) 107062.

4. Y.S. Du, C.H. Zhang*, Y.M. Lu, J.Q. Li, G. Cheng, J. Wang, G.H. Rao, Observation of table-like magnetocaloric effect and large refrigerant capacity in Nd6Fe13Pd1-xCux compounds, Journal of Rare Earths, 40 (2021) 660-669.

5. Y.J. Wang, Y.S. Du*, Y.Q. Zhang, L. Li, L. Ma, J. Wang, J.T. Zhao, G.H. Rao*, Low temperature magnetic properties and large magnetocaloric effects in the RE3Rh2 (RE=Nd, Ho and Er) intermetallics, Intermetallics, 127 (2020) 106989.

6. Y.J. Wang, Y.S. Du*, Y.Q. Zhang, L. Li, J.Q. Deng, L. Ma, J. Wang, G.H. Rao, Successive magnetic transitions and magnetocaloric effects in intermetallic compounds RE7Rh3 (RE=Nd,Ho), Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 847 (2020) 156379.

7. Y.J. Wang, X.F. Wu, Y.S. Du*, G. Cheng, J.Q. Deng, L. Ma, J. Wang, Magnetic properties and magnetocaloric effect of binary compound NdPd, Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 198 (2020) 1-10.

8. X.F. Wu, C.P. Guo, Y.S. Du*, J. Wang, L. Ma, G.H. Rao, Z.M. Du, Study of the magnetic properties and magnetocaloric effects in (Ho0.85RE0.15)3Pd2 (RE=Y and Gd) compounds, Modern Physics Letters B, 34 (2020) 2050112.

9. Z.X. Yang, Y.J. Wang, X.F. Wu, Y.S. Du*, S. Cang, J.Q. Deng, L. Ma, J. Wang, Magnetism and magnetocaloric efffects of R3Pd4 (R=Nd and Pr) compounds, Journal of superconductivity and novel magnetism, 33 (2020) 1851-1857.

10. J.F. Yuan, X.F. Wu, Y.S. Du*, G. Cheng, L. Ma, J. Wang, Z.C. Xia, G.H. Rao, Influence of Ge-doping on the structural and magnetic properties of Nd6Fe13Pd1-xGex compounds, Modern Physics Letters B, 33 (2019) 1950086.

11. X.F. Wu, C.P. Guo, J. Wang, J.Q. Deng, Y.S. Du*, G.H. Rao, Z.M. Du, Magnetic properties and large magnetocaloric effect in Ho3Pd2 compound, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 482 (2019) 168-172.

12. X.F. Wu, C.P. Guo, G. Cheng, C.R. Li, J. Wang, Y.S. Du*, G.H. Rao, Z.M. Du, Magnetic properties and magnetocaloric effects in (Ho1−xYx)5Pd2 compounds, Chinese Physics B, 28 (2019) 057502.

13. Y.S. Du, C.R. Li, G. Cheng, X.F. Wu, L.Ma, J. Wang, G.H. Rao, Magnetic transition and magnetocaloric effect in Nd6Fe13Pd compound, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 457 (2018) 8-12.

14. J.J. Huo, Y.S. Du*, G. Cheng, X.F. Wu, L. Li, Z.C. Xia, G.H. Rao, Experimental Investigation of the Isothermal Section in Fe-Gd-Pd Ternary System at 873 K, Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, 39 (2018) 152-165.

15. Y.S. Du, C.R. Li, G. Cheng, X.F. Wu, J.J. Huo, J.Q. Wei, J. Wang, Investigation on the magnetocaloric effect of Pr7Pd3 compound, Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 31 (2018) 2573-2577.  

16. J.J. Huo, Y.S. Du*, G. Cheng, X.F. Wu, L. Ma, J. Wang, Z.C. Xia, G.H. Rao, Magnetic properties and large magnetocaloric effects in GdPd intermetallic compound, Journal of Rare Earths, 36 (2018) 1044-1049.

17. J.J. Huo, Y.S. Du*, G. Cheng, X.F. Wu, L. Ma, J. Wang, Z.C. Xia, G.H. Rao, Effects of Fe-doping on structural, magnetic and magnetocaloric properties of the intermetallic compound Gd7Pd3-xFex, International Journal of Materials Research, 109 (2018) 6.

18. X.L. Xu, Y.S. Du*, G. Cheng, J.J. Huo, L. Li, L. Zhou, G. H. Rao, Phase Equilibria of the Gd–Fe–B Ternary System at 873 and 1073 K, Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, 38 (2017) 576-588.

19. Y.S. Du, C.R. Li, G. Cheng, Y.Z. Sun, X.F. Wu, Q.R. Yao, Experimental investigation of the phase diagram of the Fe-Pd-Nd ternary system at 773 K, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 688 (2016) 987-996.

20. Y.S. Du, C.R. Li, G. Cheng, Y.Z. Sun, X.F. Wu, L. Li, G.H. Rao, Experimental determination of the equilibrium relationship of Fe-Pd-Pr ternary system at 773 K, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 652 (2015) 55-62.

21. Y.S. Du, Z.F. Gu, G. Cheng, X.F. Wu, X.Q. Gao, D.C. Ao, Solid-state phase equilibria in the Co-Pt-Ho ternary system at 1173K, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 529 (2012) 169-172.


1. 国家自然科学基金,具有丰富磁相变Nd6Fe13Pd基化合物稳定性及磁性调控,33万,2023年01月-2026年12月,在研,主持


3. 广西人才基地项目,基于相图理论的(NdRE)2Fe14B永磁性能研究,12万,2019年06月-2022年05月,结题,主持

4. 广西人才基地项目,稀土基多功能晶体材料制备与表征,60万,2021年04月-2024年03月,在研,参与

5. 国家重点研发计划,高丰度稀土永磁材料的成相规律与相结构演变研究,560万,2016年07月-2020年06月,结题,参与

6. 国家重点基础研发计划(973计划),新型高性能稀土永磁材料的设计和探索,450万,2014年01月-2018年08月,结题,参与

7. 参与国家自然科学基金5项,广西信息材料构效关系重点实验室项目6项


duyusong@guet.edu.cn 希望同学们不畏艰辛继续拼搏,踊跃报考!

