
胡朝浩 正高级 (chaohao.hu@guet.edu.cn)    




胡朝浩,男,博士,教授,博士生导师,校学术带头人。2000年7月和2003年3月分别获得东北大学材料科学与工程学士和材料学硕士学位。2007年1月毕业于中国科学院金属研究所,获工学博士学位。2007年3月赴法国石油研究院分子模拟部开展博士后工作。2008年10月回国进入乐动网页版从事教学科研工作,并于2009年晋升教授。2012年2月至2013年2月期间在美国纽约州立大学石溪分校进行学术交流访问(国家公派)。研究方向主要为计算材料、半导体光催化材料和新能源材料的理论设计与实验研究。近年来主持国家自然科学基金、广西自然科学基金杰出青年基金项目、广西自然科学基金重点项目等多个项目的研究,并以主参人员的身份参与国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)、国家自然科学基金项目、法国ANR(Agence Nationale de la Recherche)项目等多个项目的研究工作,已陆续在Phys. Rev. Lett.,J. Catal.,Acta Mater.,J. Hazard. Mater.,Appl. Surf. Sci.,J. Phys. Chem. C,Phys. Rev. B等国外优秀期刊上发表论文70余篇,申请国家发明专利5件,获授权2件。入选2010年度“广西高等学校优秀人才资助计划”,2014年度“第四批桂林市拔尖人才”和2017年度首批乐动网页版“英才计划”。


2003/9 - 2007/1,中国科学院金属研究所获博士学位(材料加工工程专业);

2000/9 - 2003/3,东北大学获硕士学位(材料学专业);

1996/9 - 2000/7,东北大学获学士学位(材料科学与工程专业);


2008/10 - 至今,乐动网页版,材料科学与工程学院,教授

2012/02 - 2013/02,美国纽约州立大学石溪分校,地球科学系,访问学者

2007/03 - 2008/09,法国石油研究院(IFP),分子模拟部,博士后










  1. X. Wang, C. H. Hu*, H. An, D. Zhu, Y. Zhong, D. Wang, C. Tang, L. Sun, and H. Zhou, “Photocatalytic removal of MB and hydrogen evolution in water by (Sr0.6Bi0.305)2Bi2O7/TiO2 heterostructures under visible-light irradiation”, Applied Surface Science 544, 148920 (2021).
  2. J. Chang, Z. Deng, X. Fang*, C. H. Hu*, L. Shi, T. Dai, M. Li, S. Wang, and G. Meng*, “Heterostructural (Sr0.6Bi0.305)2Bi2O7/ZnO for novel high-performance H2S sensor operating at low temperature”, Journal of Hazardous Materials 414, 125500 (2021).
  3. D. Zhu, X. Wang, H. An, Y. Zhong, D. Wang, C. Tang, and C. H. Hu*, “Facile one-step hydrothermal fabrication of (Sr0.6Bi0.305)2Bi2O7/SnO2 heterojunction with excellent photocatalytic activity”, Nanomaterials 10, 321 (2020).
  4. X. Wang, D. Zhu, Y. Zhong, D. Wang, and C. H. Hu*, “AgBr/(Sr0.6Bi0.305)2Bi2O7 heterostructured composites: Fabrication, characterization, and significantly enhanced photocatalytic activity”, Catalysts 9, 394 (2019).
  5. X. Wang, L. Liu, H. An, Y. Zhong, D. Wang, C. Tang, and C. H. Hu*, “(Sr0.6Bi0.305)2Bi2O7 as a new visible-light-responsive photocatalyst: An experimental and theoretical study”, Materials Research Bulletin 118, 110484 (2019).
  6. Jiayao Qin, Zhongmin Wang*, Dianhui Wang*, Yang Wu, Yan Zhong, Chaohao Hu*, and Huaiying Zhou, “Dissolution, diffusion, and penetration of H in the group VB metals investigated by first-principles method”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 44, 29083-29091 (2019).
  7. Jiayao Qin, Zhongmin Wang*, Dianhui Wang*, Feng Wang, Xiaofeng Yan, Yan Zhong, Chaohao Hu*, and Huaiying Zhou, “First-principles investigation of hydrogen solubility and diffusivity in transition metal-doped vanadium membranes and their mechanical properties”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 805, 747-756 (2019).
  8. Dianhui Wang, Yang Wu, Zhenzhen Wan, Feng Wang, Zhongmin Wang*, Chaohao Hu*, Xiaotian Wang*, and Huaiying Zhou, “Effects of Mo alloying on stability and diffusion of hydrogen in the Nb16H phase: A first-principles investigation”, RSC Advances 9, 19495-19500 (2019).
  9. H.X. Zhang, C.H. Hu*, D.H. Wang, Y. Zhong, H.Y. Zhou, and G.H. Rao, “Structural evolutions and electronic properties of AunGd (n = 6-15) small clusters: A first principles study”, Chin. Phys. B 27, 083601 (2018).
  10. L.S. Zhong, C.H. Hu*, J. Zhuang, Y. Zhong, D.H. Wang, and H.Y. Zhou, “AgBr/MgBi2O6 heterostructured composites with highly efficient visible-light-driven photocatalytic activity”, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 117, 94 (2018).
  11. Y. Zhong*, C.H. Hu, D.H. Wang, and H.Y. Zhou, “Pressure-induced influence on the crystal structure, electronic structure and thermoelectric properties of NaB3: A first-principles study”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 731, 323 (2018).
  12. C.H. Hu*, J. Zhuang, L.S. Zhong, Y. Zhong, D.H. Wang, and H.Y. Zhou, “Significantly enhanced photocatalytic activity of visible light responsive AgBr/Bi2Sn2O7 heterostructured composites”, Applied Surface Science 426, 1173 (2017).
  13. Y. Wu, Z.M. Wang*, D.H. Wang, Z.Z. Wan, Y. Zhong, C.H. Hu*, and H.Y. Zhou, “Effects of Ni doping on various properties of NbH phases: A first-principles investigation”, Scientific Reports 7, 6535 (2017).
  14. D.H. Wang, H.Y. Zhou, C.H. Hu*, Y. Zhong, A.R. Oganov, and G.H. Rao, “Prediction of thermodynamically stable Li-B compounds at ambient pressure”, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 19, 8471 (2017).
  15. G.R. Qian, H.Y. Niu, C.H. Hu, A.R. Oganov, Q. Zeng, and H.Y. Zhou, “Diverse chemistry of stable hydronitrogens, and Implications for planetary and materials sciences”, Scientific Reports 6, 25947 (2016).
  16. C.H. Hu*, X.H. Yin, D.H. Wang, Y. Zhong, H.Y. Zhou, and G.H. Rao, “First-principles studies of electronic, optical, and mechanical properties of γ-Bi2Sn2O7”, Chin. Phys. B 25, 067801 (2016).
  17. P.F. Jiao, C.H. Hu*, D.H. Wang, Y. Zhong, H.Y. Zhou, and G.H. Rao, “Electronic structure, thermodynamics, and thermoelectric properties of β-BaCu2S2: A first-principles study”, Computational Materials Science 103, 105 (2015).
  18. A.F. Goncharov, N. Holtgrewe, G.R. Qian, C.H. Hu, A.R. Oganov, M. Somayazulu, E. Stavrou, C.J. Pickard, A. Berlie, F. Yen, M. Mahmood, S.S. Lobanov, Z. Konôpková, V.B. Prakapenka, “Backbone NxH compounds at high pressures”, J. Chem. Phys. 142, 214308 (2015).
  19. D.H. Wang, H.Y. Zhou, C.H. Hu*, A.R. Oganov, Y. Zhong, and G.H. Rao, “BaC: A novel thermodynamically stable layered superconductor”, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 16, 20780 (2014).
  20. S. Yu, Q. Zeng, A.R. Oganov, C.H. Hu, G. Frapper, and L. Zhang, “Exploration of stable compounds, crystal structures, and superconductivity in the Be-H system”, AIP Advances 4, 107118 (2014).
  21. K.K. Wang, X.D. Kang, Y.J. Zhong, C.H. Hu, J.W. Ren, and P. Wang, “Unexpected dehydrogenation behaviors of the 2LiBH4-MgH2 composite confined in mesoporous carbon scaffold”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 118, 26447 (2014).
  22. C.H. Hu*, A.R. Oganov, Q. Zhu, G.R. Qian, G. Frapper, A.O. Lyakhov, and H.Y. Zhou, “Pressure-induced stabilization and insulator-superconductor transition of BH”, Physical Review Letters 110, 165504 (2013).
  23. K.K. Wang, X.D. Kang, Q. Kang, Y. J. Zhong, C.H. Hu, and P. Wang, “Improved reversible dehydrogenation of 2LiBH4-MgH2 composite by the controlled formation of transition metal boride”, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2, 2146 (2014).
  24. K.K. Wang, X.D. Kang, Y.J. Zhong, C.H. Hu, and P. Wang, “Improved reversible dehydrogenation properties of 2LiBH4-MgH2 composite by milling with graphitic carbon nitride”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 39, 13369 (2014).
  25. K.K. Wang, X.D. Kang, J.H. Luo, C.H. Hu, and P. Wang, “Improved reversible dehydrogenation properties of LiBH4-MgH2 composite by tailoring nanophase structure using activated carbon”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 38, 3710 (2013).
  26. Z.W. Ji, C.H. Hu*, D.H. Wang, Y. Zhong, J. Yang, W.Q. Zhang, and H.Y. Zhou, "Mechanical properties and chemical bonding of the Os-B system: a first-principles study", Acta Materialia 60, 4208 (2012).
  27. Y. Zhong, H.Y. Zhou, C.H. Hu*, D.H. Wang, and A.R. Oganov, "Theoretical studies of high-pressure phases, electronic structure, and vibrational properties of NaNH2", The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 116, 8387 (2012).
  28. Y. Zhong, H.Y. Zhou, C.H. Hu*, D.H. Wang, and G.H. Rao, “Pressure-induced structural transitions of LiNH2: a first-principles study”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 544, 129 (2012).
  29. C.H. Hu, C. Chizallet, C. Mager-Maury, M. Corral-Valero, P. Sautet, H. Toulhoat, and P. Raybaud, “Modulation of catalyst particle structure upon support hydroxylation: ab initio insights into Pd13 and Pt13 / g-Al2O3”, Journal of Catalysis 274, 99 (2010).
  30. C.H. Hu*, A.R. Oganov, A.O. Lyakhov, H.Y. Zhou, and J. Hafner, “Insulating states of LiBeH3 under extreme compression”, Physical Review B 79, 134116 (2009).
  31. C.H. Hu*, C. Chizallet, H. Toulhoat, and P. Raybaud, “Structural, energetic, and electronic trends in low-dimensional late-transition-metal systems”, Physical Review B 79, 195416 (2009).
  32. C.H. Hu*, A.R. Oganov, Y.M. Wang, H.Y. Zhou, A.O. Lyakhov, and J. Hafner, “Crystal structure prediction of LiBeH3 using ab initio total-energy calculations and evolutionary simulations”, The Journal Chemical Physics 129, 234105 (2008).
  33. C.H. Hu, Y.M. Wang, D.M. Chen, D.S. Xu, and K. Yang, “First-principles calculations of structural, electronic, and thermodynamic properties of Na2BeH4”, Physical Review B 76, 144104 (2007).
  34. C.H. Hu, D.M. Chen, Y.M. Wang, D.S. Xu, and K. Yang, “Structural transition of Li2BeH4 under high pressure: a first-principles study”, Physical Review B 75, 224108 (2007).
  35. C.H. Hu, D.M. Chen, Y.M. Wang, D.S. Xu, and K. Yang, “First-principles investigations of pressure-induced structural transition in Mg(AlH4)2”, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 19, 176205 (2007).
  36. C.H. Hu, D.M. Chen, Y.M. Wang, and K. Yang, “First-principles investigations of isotope effects in thermodynamic properties of TiX2 (X=H, D, and T) system”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 450, 369 (2008).
  37. Y. Zhong, H.Y. Zhou, C.H. Hu, and S.K. Pan, “Phase relationship in the Tb-Fe-Cr ternary system at 600 oC”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 541, 198 (2012).

[1]  “新型5d硬质过渡金属富氮化合物结构预测与物性研究”. 国家自然科学基金项目, 2021.01-2024.12 . 主持在研
[2]  “单个金属原子掺杂贵金属小团簇结构与物性的理论研究”. 国家自然科学基金项目, 2015.01-2018.12 . 主持完成
[3]  “二元富氢体系高压晶体结构预测与物性研究”. 广西自然科学基金杰出青年基金项目, 2014.06-2017.05 .  主持完成
[4]  “Bi-M-O三元氧化物体系能带工程设计及光催化性能研究”. 国家自然科学基金项目, 2012.01-2015.12 . 主持完成
[5]  “金属-氮-氢体系晶体结构与贮氢性能的从头算进化模拟预”. 国家自然科学基金项目, 2010.01-2012.12 .  主持完成
[6]  “轻质Li-Be-M-H体系吸放氢机理的理论与实验研究”. 广西自然科学基金重点项目, 2010.03-2013.03 .  主持完成
[7]  “新型IIA-IVA体系环境友好热电材料构效关系的理论研究”. 广西信息材料重点实验室重点基金项目, 2013.05-2015.05 .  主持完成
[8]  “Li-Be-H配位氢化物结构和性能的第一原理研究”. 教育部留学回国科研基金项目, 2010.01-2012.12 .  主持完成
[9]  “从头算进化模拟对OsmBn超硬材料的理论设计”. 高性能陶瓷和超微结构国家重点实验室开放基金, 2010.01-2011.12 .  主持完成


[1]  发明专利. 一种碳酸氧铋光催化剂及其制备方法. 胡朝浩, 王馨翎, 钟燕, 王殿辉, 周怀营. 2021.02, ZL201810833061.4
[2]  发明专利. 一种用作光催化材料的四角星形钒酸铋及其制备方法. 胡朝浩, 赵雯, 封瑛, 农升萍, 赵建用, 周怀营. 2014.03, ZL201310731543.6
[3]  发明专利. 一种锶铋氧-碳酸锶复合光催化剂及其制备方法和催化还原六价铬的应用. 胡朝浩, 安慧婷, 朱迪, 钟燕, 王殿辉, 周怀营. 2019.10, 201910716291.7
[4]  发明专利. 一种利用淀粉自蔓延燃烧合成钒酸铋光催化剂的方法. 胡朝浩, 朱斌青, 钟燕, 周怀营. 2015.07, 201510428482.5
[5]  发明专利. 可见光响应铋酸镁-类石墨型氮化碳复合光催化剂及其制备方法. 胡朝浩, 朱斌青, 封瑛, 钟燕, 周怀营. 2015.01, 201510018256.X


联系地址:  乐动网页版材料科学与工程学院
电子邮箱:  chaohao.hu@guet.edu.cn; 974810679@qq.com
