
李科赞 正高级 (lkzzr@guet.edu.cn)    




李科赞,男,博士,教授,博士生导师,广西数学会理事,广西密码学与信息安全重点实验室骨干成员,广西高校卓越学者与创新团队骨干成员。多年来,专注于复杂网络动力学的相关研究工作。 主持完成国家自然科学基金项目2项,广西自然科学基金项目2项,广西重点实验室项目1项,参与省部级及以上项目多项。在IEEE Trans. Cybern.、IEEE Trans. Control Netw. Syst.、IEEE Trans. Syst. Man Cybern. Syst.、IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I、Phys. Rev. E、Chaos、Nonlinear Dyn.等国际重要刊物上发表SCI论文40余篇,其中一篇为期刊Chaos的同期亮点论文。获广西自然科学优秀论文二等奖,广西自然科学奖三等奖。曾在香港理工大学进行访学。目前担任多个期刊的审稿人,如International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos、IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I and II、Nonlinear Dynamics、Proceedings A、Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical、Applied Mathematical Modelling、Physica A、Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation、中国科学:信息科学、复杂系统与复杂性科学等。 指导硕士研究生发表多篇SCI学术论文。指导1名硕士研究生获得学校“2015届优秀毕业生”称号,2名考取博士研究生。





2015/12   -    至今,乐动网页版,数学与计算科学学院,教授;














[1] Kezan Li, Michael Small, Xinchu Fu. Contraction stability and transverse stability of synchronization in complex networks. Physical Review E, 76 (2007) 056213. (SCI)

[2] Kezan Li, Kaihua Wang, Xinchu Fu. Complete synchronization and transverse stability of double-layer star-shaped complex networks. Special Issue on Software Engineering and Complex Networks, DCDIS Series B, 14(S6) (2007) 136-141.

[3] Kezan Li, Michael Small, Xinchu Fu. Generation of clusters in complex dynamical networks via pinning control. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 41 (2008) 505101. (SCI)

[4] Kezan Li, Weigang Sun, Xinchu Fu. Synchronization of complex networks via partial contraction principle. International Journal of Systems, Control and Communications, 1 (2009) 414-425.

[5] Kezan Li, Michael Small, Kaihua Wang, Xinchu Fu. Three structural properties reflecting the synchronizability of complex networks. Physical Review E, 79 (2009) 067201. (SCI)

[6] Kezan Li, Mingchao Zhao, Xinchu Fu. Projective synchronization of driving-response systems and its application to secure communication. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I, 56 (2009) 2280-2291. (SCI)

[7] Mingchao Zhao, Kezan Li, Xinchu Fu. Modified one-way coupled map lattices as communication cryptosystems. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 42 (2009) 286-290. (SCI)

[8] Haifeng Zhang, Kezan Li, Xinchu Fu. On pinning control of some typical discrete-time dynamical networks. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulations, 15 (2009) 182-188. (SCI)

[9] Haifeng Zhang, Kezan Li, Xinchu Fu, Binghong Wang. An efficient control strategy of epidemic spreading on scale-free networks. Chinese Physics Letters, 26 (2009) 068901. (SCI)

[10] Kaihua Wang, Xinchu Fu, Kezan Li. Cluster synchronization in community networks with nonidentical nodes. Chaos, 19 (2009) 023106. (SCI)

[11] 赵明超, 李科赞, 傅新楚. 一种新的混沌序列随机性刻画及提高方法. 复杂系统与复杂性科学, 6 (2009) 57-62.

[12] Zhaoyan Wu, Kezan Li, Xinchu Fu. Identification of nonlinear coupling delays in dynamical networks via synchronization and control. International Journal of Nonlinear Science, 8 (2009) 155-161.

[13] Zhaoyan Wu, Kezan Li, Xinchu Fu. Parameter identification of dynamical networks with community structure and multiple coupling delays. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulations, 15 (2010) 3587-3592. (SCI)

[14] Kezan Li, Michael Small, Haifeng Zhang, Xinchu Fu. Epidemic outbreaks on networks with effective contacts. Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 11 (2010) 1017-1025. (SCI)

[15] Xiamiao Li, Minghua Zeng, Jin Zhou, Kezan Li. Hierarchy property of traffic networks. Chinese Physics B, 19 (2010) 090510. (SCI)

[16] Dahe Feng, Kezan Li. Exact traveling wave solutions for a generalized Hirota-Satsuma coupled KdV equation by Fan sub-equation method. Physics Letters A, 375 (2011) 2201-2210. (SCI)

[17] Kezan Li, Xinchu Fu, Michael Small, Zhongjun Ma. Adaptive mechanism between dynamical synchronization and epidemic behavior on complex networks. Chaos, 21 (2011) 033111. (SCI)

[18] Kezan Li, Zhongjun Ma, Zhen Jia, Michael Small, Xinchu Fu. Interplay between collective behavior and spreading dynamics on complex networks. Chaos, 22 (2012) 043113. (SCI)

[19] Kezan Li, En He, Zhaorong Zeng, Chi K. Tse. Generalized projective synchronization of two coupled complex networks with different sizes. Chinese Physics B, 22 (2013) 070504. (SCI)

[20] Zhen Jia, Xinchu Fu, Guangming Deng, Kezan Li. Group synchronization in complex dynamical networks with different types of oscillators and adaptive coupling schemes. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulations, 18 (2013) 2752-2760. (SCI)

[21] Zhongjun Ma, Suzhang Zhang, Guirong Jiang, Kezan Li. Effect of the coupling matrix with a weight parameter on synchronization pattern in a globally coupled network. Nonlinear Dynamics, 74 (2013) 55-64. (SCI)

[22] Kezan Li, Jin Zhou, Wenwu Yu, Michael Small, Xinchu Fu. Adaptive cluster synchronization in networks with time-varying and distributed coupling delays. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 38 (2014) 1300-1314. (SCI)

[23] Kezan Li, Zhongpu Xu, Guanghu Zhu, Yong Ding. Global stability of an SIS epidemic model on networks with individual awareness. Chinese Physics B, 23 (2014) 118904. (SCI)

[24] 张恺, 马忠军, 李科赞. 朋友关系网络的实证统计研究. 电子科技大学学报. 43 (2014) 335-340. (EI)

[25] Kezan Li, Xinchu Fu, Michael Small, Guanghu Zhu. Estimating the epidemic threshold on networks by deterministic connections. Chaos, 24 (2014) 043124. (SCI)

[26] Kezan Li, Haifeng Zhang, Xinchu Fu, Yong Ding, Michael Small. Epidemic threshold determined by the first moments of network with alternating degree distributions. Physica A, 419 (2015) 585-593. (SCI)

[27] Kezan Li, Hong Yu, Zhaorong Zeng, Yong Ding, Zhongjun Ma. Epidemic transmission on random mobile network with diverse infection periods. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 22 (2015) 596-604. (SCI)

[28] Kezan Li, Wenwu Yu, Yong Ding. Successive lag synchronization on nonlinear dynamical networks via linear feedback control. Nonlinear Dynamics, 80 (2015) 421-430. (SCI)

[29] Rongzhong Yu, Kezan Li, Baidi Chen, Dingqin Shi. Dynamical analysis of an SIRS network model with direct immunization and infective vector. Advances in Difference Equations, 2015 (2015) 116.

[30] Kezan Li, Weigang Sun, Michael Small, Xinchu Fu. Practical synchronization on complex dynamical networks via optimal pinning control. Physical Review E, 92 (2015) 010903(R).

[31] Xinjian Zhang, Aiju Wei, Kezan Li. Successive lag synchronization on dynamical networks with communication delay. Chinese Physics B, 25 (2016) 038901.

[32] Junyi Wang, Xiaoni Hou, Kezan Li, Yong Ding. A novel weight neighborhood centrality algorithm for identifying influential spreaders in complex networks. Physica A, 475 (2017) 88-105. (SCI)

[33] Yong Ding, Ning Xiong, En He, Kezan Li. Secure communication scheme analysis via complex networks. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 29 (2017) e4282. (SCI)

[34] 韦爱举, 张新建, 王俊义, 李科赞. 一类埃博拉传染病模型的动力学分析. 数学物理学报, 37A (2017) 577-592. (中文核心)

[35] Jian Zhou, Zhen Jia, Kezan Li. Improved algorithm of spectral coarse graining method of complex network. Acta Physica Sinica, 66 (2017) 060502. (SCI)

[36] Di Zhang, Yinxing Zhang, Xiaofen Qiu, Guanghu Zhu, Kezan Li. Successive lag synchronization on dynamical networks with non-uniform communication delays. Acta Physica Sinica, 67 (2018) 018901. (SCI)

[37] Kezan Li, Guanghu Zhu, Zhongjun Ma, Lijuan Chen. Dynamic stability of an SIQS epidemic network and its optimal control. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 66 (2019) 84-95. (SCI)

[38] Xiaofen Qiu, Yinxing Zhang, Kezan Li. Successive lag cluster consensus on multi-agent systems via delay-dependent impulsive control. Chinese Physics B, 28 (2019) 050501. (SCI)

[39] Zhongpu Xu, Kezan Li, Mengfeng Sun, Xinchu Fu. Interaction between epidemic spread and collective behavior in scale-free networks with community structure. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 462 (2019) 122-133. (SCI)

[40] Yinxing Zhang, Kezan Li. Successive lag synchronization on nonlinear dynamical networks via aperiodically intermittent control. Nonlinear Dynamics, 95 (2019) 3075-3089. (SCI)

[41] Xiaofen Qiu, Guanghu Zhu, Yong Ding, Kezan Li. Successive lag synchronization on complex dynamical networks via delay-dependent impulsive control. Physica A, 531 (2019) 121753. (SCI)

[42] Wei Lv, Qing Ke, Kezan Li. Dynamical analysis and control strategies of an SIVS epidemic model with imperfect vaccination on scale-free networks. Nonlinear Dynamics, 99 (2020) 1507–1523. (SCI)

[43] Wei Lv, Qing Ke, Kezan Li. Dynamic stability of an SIVS epidemic model with imperfect vaccination on scale-free networks and its control strategy. Journal of the Franklin Institute, 357 (2020) 7092-7121. (SCI)

[44] 覃炳发, 李科赞. 桂林市公交换乘网络的实证分析. 复杂系统与复杂性科学, 17 (2020) 22-30. (中文核心)

[45] Kezan Li, Haifeng Zhang, Guanghu Zhu, Michael Small, Xinchu Fu. Suboptimal control and targeted constant control for semi-random epidemic networks. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 51 (2021) 2602-2610. (SCI)

[46] Kezan Li, Jie Zhao, Haifeng Zhang, Xiang Li. On successive lag synchronization of a dynamical network with delayed couplings. IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, 8 (2021) 1151-1162.

[47] Kezan Li, Ying Bai, Zhongjun Ma, Jinde Cao. Feedback pinning control of successive lag synchronization on a dynamical network. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, Early Access, DOI: 10.1109/TCYB.2021.3061700, 2021.

[48] Jun Cheng, Lidan Liang, Ju H. Park, Huaicheng Yan, Kezan Li. A dynamic event-triggered approach to state estimation for switched memristive neural networks with nonhomogeneous sojourn probabilities. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I, Early Access, DOI: 10.1109/TCSI.2021.3117694.



1. 国家自然科学基金项目《带噪声复杂网络上的相继滞后同步与牵制控制研究》,批准号62166010,( 2022.1 - 2025.12),主持.



1. 上海大学研究生创新基金项目《带有效接触的网络传播动力学及其与同步能力的关系》(2008.9-2009.6),主持;

2. 乐动网页版研究基金《复杂网络上的同步传播模型》(2009.11-2012.11),主持;

3. 国家自然科学基金项目《正负权重网络的动力学研究》,批准号60964006,(2010.1-2012.12),参加;

4. 国家自然科学基金项目《复杂网络上的传播同步分析及其应用》,批准号61004101,(2011.1-2013.12),主持;

5. 广西自然科学基金项目《变结构时滞复杂网络的同步稳定性分析与控制 》,批准号2011GXNSFB018059,(2011.3-2014.2)主持;

6. 国家自然科学基金项目《复杂网络上的行为传播研究》,批准号61164020,(2012.1-2015.12),参加;

7. 国家自然科学基金项目《奇异孤子与周期波解的定性及稳定性研究》,批准号11161013,(2012.1-2015.12),参加;

8. 广西自然科学基金项目《变结构时滞复杂网络的同步稳定性分析与控制 》(滚动项目),批准号2015GXNSFBB139002,(2015.1-2018.8),主持;

9. 国家自然科学基金项目《拟随机网络上的传播动力学及其最优控制研究》,批准号61663006,( 2017.1 - 2020.12),主持;

10. 国家自然科学基金项目《传染病反应扩散的多层次建模与动力学分析》,批准号11661026,( 2017.1 - 2020.12),参加.


E-mail: lkzzr@guet.edu.cn
